Finding the “Right Fit” – the battle for the best!
Madhav Sharma
Public Affairs | Government Relations | International Relations | Strategy & Client Development | Talent Development
Hiring for key strategic and leadership positions is one the most challenging task that business leaders ever do. Finding a talent that is a “right fit” becomes a critical function in any organization. Considering that companies are on a fast growth trajectory, there are pressures to be managed ahead of the game, to be competitive, innovative to win new businesses by maintaining the ones they already serve.
We all recognize that the pandemic has disrupted existing business models. With the changing goal posts, it becomes increasingly crucial for organisations to bring alignment between?Strategy and Operational Effectiveness, without which, there will be increased stress on businesses, including people, who are the main drivers of growth and the most important resource in any organization.
In many of the discussion forums, there are conversations revolving around the challenges and opportunities in various sectors and how technologies are shaping the future of industries. At the same time, to drive innovation and growth in this competitive environment, companies are facing challenges to find and retain talent in the midst of the great resignation that we are witnessing today.?
Thus, to gear up to navigate these challenges, it’s important to rethink on talent acquisition strategies that can help companies’ deliver desired business outcomes through an?Engaged and Adaptive Workforce. Considering that technology is evolving rapidly and to keep pace with the change, companies need talent, especially at the leadership level who understands the challenges & opportunities and how to navigate effectively and efficiently.
While there are pressures to show growth, few areas need a lot of attention when acquiring talent. Considering talent is a critical resource for organisations, sourcing of candidates goes beyond discussions revolving around resumes only. Some thoughts….
Employer Brand?– Companies have marketing spend to promote its products and services and to build a brand. I think it’s time that companies could also have a focused approach to attract talent. One example that comes to my mind where I have seen an institution put a lot of time, resources and efforts to attract talent are the armed forces globally.?Another would be aspirational companies like Apple or Google which could be a great fit for a candidate at any stage of their career. Companies like Unilever and P&G are good for career building. They offer some of the best training to candiates at the start of their career and shape their corporate future.?Candidates are not looking for a job, they are looking for a future.?They are looking at building a career that is purpose driven.?Thus building a strong employer brand in the minds of the prospective candidates becomes important. How can this be done more effectively and efficiently needs a lot of thinking and a different approach in order to retain the talent.?
Job Vs Role?- When we ask a sportsperson his “Job” we hear that the person is a football player or a cricketer - then we dwell more deeply and ask, what is his “Role,” - we get answers such as batsman, wicket keeper, a bowler, a spinner etc. that is specific to each person. The same goes in business where it is important that we make a clear distinction between the Job and the Role. By defining the role clearly, setting clear expectations and clarity, companies will be able to encourage greater?Productivity Accountability, Responsibility (P.A.R)from the position the person holds on a team. Roles in the current corporate world have become more flexible and adaptable. New media and technologies define that much of the role is learning on the job. One of the most important quality an employer looks for is the ability and willingness for independent learning.
Alignment?– There has to be a point of meaningful convergence between the candidate and the organizations . This can be achieved by aligning to the culture, value contributions that both can bring to each other, assessing competencies to achieve quality hire and quality employment. Once we achieve this alignment, magic happens.
Return on Investment?– Every hiring needs to be measured in terms of the value that the candidate brings to the table. Picking up from my learnings from training industry is that talent acquisitions also need to be thought about differently.?
Talent acquisition needs to be run as a business unit, where outcomes are measured through various parameters. Talent acquisition teams need to take greater ownership in terms of time, effort and cost that goes into hiring candidates by mapping it to the outcomes expected from the person.?
This can be achieved when there is greater inward focus by TA teams to understand the role, expectations and value contribution through conversations with their internal teams and outward focus by taping into the resources of its strategic partners who bring high degree of personal networks, unbiased approach to hunt for the right candidate to bring greater return on investment (ROI) and accountability to each search mandate.? Each role requires a different approach, there is no template to hire the best.
Diversity?– Diversity needs to be thought differently, it’s not only about people alone, but also about ideas, thoughts, views and skills that drives growth. Everybody’s views matter, especially from those who are thinking differently. That’s what will drive creativity and innovation through collaboration. Organizations need leaders who demonstrate such capability to champion the thought of diversity, equity and inclusion in a sustainable way.
Removing the Biases?– Talent Acquisition is an art. It is not just mapping the years of experience, education and skills, it goes beyond that.?
There was a candidate who was being interviewed for a commercial role in a services company. The candidate came from a non-profit organization. The leader had a baise that because the candidate came from a non-profit organization, the person will not have commercial acumen. The leader failed to understand that even in a nonprofit set up, revenues are needed to run the organization that are generated through services that requires commercial acumen.
In todays world employers actually prefer candidates who come from diverse working background. This creates an environment of external exposure, creative thinking and amalgamation of new ideas.
These are some of the biases that are removed when organization engage with strategic partners when hunting for the talent. Such partners only look at candidates who will bring value to the organization. Thus the search goes beyond what is written on the resume or any other biases that the leader may have avoiding a lost opportunity of onboarding a great talent.?
Forward looking organizations across the world are putting the pieces of the puzzle together to shape their as well as global landscape.??All such organizations have re-organized and prioritized their talent acquisition plans?and are putting even greater emphasis on transforming their work force to keep pace with the rapid changes that are taking place globally.?Many thought leaders have been emphasizing that talent acquisition is an area that deserves a lot more attention than what has been given till now. Many organizations have got it right and some are thinking along that direction.?
Competitive positions are more vulnerable during such shifts, spelling both promise and perils for companies that will be characterized by the emergence of new value pools and erosion of existing ones, amongst individuals and corporates.?
There is a growing concern that both job displacement and talent shortages will impact business activity. Business Leaders will have to demonstrate different skill sets who understands such shifts by adapting to changing times.?
Human capital is a crucial asset of any business. In fact, in this age of ubiquitous technology, it is human skills, creativity and capability with a service mindset that are the competitive edges for any organization. Employers have to focus their attention towards designing the roles in such a way that it brings greater?Performance with Purpose?by aliging it to businesses, people, innovation and learning. When we get these aspects right, we will witness greater motivation and engaged workforce who would be passionate to drive growth for organization and for self. Its like a treasure hunt for talent, that requires a different mindset, approach and thinking...
"The greatest talents often lie buried out of?sight"?– Plautus?
Madhav Sharma
24 May 2022