Finding The Positive
In every day, no matter how negative it is, there is always something to be grateful for.
What we often fail to realise is that life itself is the biggest gift and blessing that we will ever have. Many have not made it, but we have, and this is something we must always demonstrate gratitude for, as it is the gift that affords us the ability and opportunity to do more, to be better, and to be there for others.
Remember, without the precious gift of life, none of this, or anything else you wish to do is possible.
Too often, we give our circumstances and situations the power to consume us and keep us negatively busy, and in doing so, our view of reality becomes simplified in a way in which we are only able to recognise the negative in what we are experiencing, whilst ignoring and undermining the abundance of blessings that are present and coexisting within those same negative situations.
No matter what your day has been like, you must find time to reflect on, acknowledge and demonstrate appreciation for the things that you are grateful for, and are unconsciously taking for granted, for it is gratitude that allows us to reframe negative situations which enable us to see life from a different perspective, one where you are able to recognise and appreciate the small treasures and blessings which you were previously dismissing.
Non-material things such as fresh air and clean water are simple things, necessities which we must appreciate and demonstrate gratitude daily as they are what allow us to maintain our health and well-being which is needed for us to be able to reach and achieve the greatness and outcomes we deserve.
Life is very unpredictable and there is no guarantee as to how long we will have access to the things and people we love, so make sure to demonstrate your love and appreciation daily before it is too late and all that you are left with are the after thoughts of could have/ should have/would have. Those thoughts will not allow you to reverse/change your situation but will only make the experience even more difficult and painful to go through.
Despite the challenges, you must find ways to navigate and enjoy your day. No matter what it brings, find the positive and celebrate it because it is most definitely there, and the more often you do this, you will start to see that the universe will give you even more things to be grateful for.
What you wear and the colours that you use can uplift you and increase positivity in your day, so use your colours, whether it is for your clothes, hair, eyes, or lips, and express your positivity through that.