Finding Peace As A Small Business Owner
Crossroads Professional Coaching
Grow your business. Make informed decisions. Increase sales. Move forward. Honor God.
We read books, listen to podcasts, watch interviews, attend seminars, and meet with mastermind groups, searching for those nuggets; That piece of the puzzle is that we need to feel that things are on the right track in our business to be at peace with things.
Our interest in business improvement makes sense. Your business is part of who you are. Not in the eternal sense, but definitely in the basic provisions, financial stability, and self-actualization sense. Our businesses occupy space throughout Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.??
When we initiate a conversation, one of the most common sentiments of business coaching clients is a “feeling that things are not under control.” If things are not under control throughout your Maslow’s Hierarchy, you probably don’t feel much peace.??
Leadership and business management are full of obstacles, challenges, and adversaries that will never change. So, how do you find peace when your job is to confront barriers, challenges, and adversaries???
While this subject can be infinitely complex and is a lifelong endeavor, I have a simple set of do’s and don’ts that help me stay out of the ditch as I plan my daily and weekly tasks. The following do’s and don’ts provide a quick check on where I may need to adjust my focus or change my behavior to stay on the right path where I find peace in my heart.
Before getting to the “Do’s and Don’ts,” consider a few assumptions that serve as the foundation for most people to feel good about their lives and work, hence, finding peace. The assumptions are:?
Two Do’s and Two Don’ts for Peace in Business Leadership
There are important things we can control or affect in our business, and those things are where we need to place our thoughts and efforts. I can maintain my behavior and communication with my staff.
I can control my staff’s roles and expectations. I can control where I spend the organization’s money. I can control how I coach, encourage, and inspire the team.
These are but a few examples of essential things that we can control. Recognize all the areas where you can affect change versus environmental issues outside our sphere of influence.
There are many things that are important but simply outside of our control. Worrying about things outside of our control is a recipe for stress and anxiety. The key to mastering this “Don’t” is actively assessing where our thoughts and conversations are focused.
Am I worrying about issues or events that are outside my control? I need to recognize the behavior and immediately convert those thoughts to solutions I can affect.
A new competitor moves in across the street. I can worry about the impact on sales, pray for a flood to wash them away, and complain to friends about how obnoxious it is for them to choose my location for their business. Or I can assess any real threat and adjust my storefront and marketing activities to compete successfully.
Don’t worry and complain. Assess the threat and take action.??
You won’t find peace in running a business without taking action. The discipline of focusing on things you can control is only as good as the action it supports. There is comfort in knowing you’re doing what you need to to make the best of any situation, opportunity, or challenge.
A common problem for anyone is the lack of taking action. Inaction may save you some immediate discomfort, but it will prevent lasting peace. We must take action within our sphere of influence if we want to find peace.??
Closely related but still distinct from not worrying about things you can’t control. I may not be worrying or anxious over something I’m doing, but what I’m doing may still be a waste of time; nothing good will come from it. Finding peace while leading your business requires more than simply not worrying; finding peace requires applying your effort toward constructive objectives.
The opposite of applying your efforts toward constructive objectives is wasting your time and energy on activities that produce no results or undesirable outcomes; don’t do those things.?
Let me repeat: finding peace is a lifelong endeavor, and no blog post will offer a thorough recipe for total harmony in your business or life. But by keeping these simple “Do’s and Don’ts” close at hand as you go about your daily planning, meditations, and prayers, I hope you will stay out of the ditches of despair and stay on the peaceful path.