Finding Peace in the Chaos

Finding Peace in the Chaos

A Simple Technique for Calmer Days

Twelve-step recovery programs aren’t only for people with addictions. While I have not personally “worked the steps,” I have close friends who have and they’ve shared that recovery not only gives them tools to deal with life but also enhances their relationship with and dependence on God.

One of the recovery tools shared with me is the “3 P’s” - Pause, Pray, Proceed. Hopefully, it’s easy to see how this simple technique can (and should) be used by anyone!

Cut off in traffic? Pause, pray, proceed. Will your response be different?

Your boss is taking out her frustrations on you again? Pause, pray, proceed.

Your kid is taking forever to get out of the car?! Pause, pray, proceed.

At its core, the 3 P’s provide access to a main tenet of recovery: seek to do God’s will, not your own.

Pause- Take a beat. Don’t respond out of habit or instinct. Just wait a second.

Pray- Go to God. Ask for guidance, wisdom, and help. Just ask!

Proceed- Is it still your will that is making the decision? (Hopefully not!)

Give it a try - it has helped me tremendously.


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