Finding the Path that's Right for Me
Tom Hardison
Executive and Leadership Team Coach | Partner with leaders and teams to create better outcomes
People often ask what I do, and when I respond that I’m a Team Leadership Coach the conversation can stop with a lot of unanswered questions if I don’t continue.
What I really do is help people find the path forward that’s right for them. We start with where they are, with all the complexity, uncertainty and challenges they face.
We identify and envision what extraordinary outcomes might look like in six months to a year. Often that can be summed up with I’m a Clear Confident Leader acting with Presence and Resilience, Creating New Possibilities and Building Innovative Teams that Achieve.
Then we set to work. We use real life situations to uncover the strengths they have to build upon, and the patterns that hold them back. I provide curated resources to develop new perspectives. We design safe experiments to try out new ways of thinking, being and acting. We agree upon pragmatic practices to build new competencies.
It is a journey of learning and discovery that is energizing as progress emerges.
What’s the difference between reading a book, listening to a podcast or taking a course and working with me. My clients tell me it’s that I help them find the right path for them.
I assist teams and leaders create new possibilities and improve team effectiveness, while developing team leadership and coaching skills. If you’d like to find the right path for you, visit here.
Let’s create the future today!