Finding passion in your life

Finding passion in your life

????“There is no passion to be found playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” —Nelson Mandela


????We start losing our passion in life when things don’t go our way and everything starts seeming gloomy. There is no clear cut path to find your passion. The reason why we have not found our true callings is we are focusing on wrong things which we should not do. Here are some reasons why we have not found our passion yet and what should we do:

1.????All we think about is finding our passion – when we start looking for what we were supposed to do, it becomes easy to get caught up in the finding. Continuously asking ourselves “What thing am I passionate about?” has very little benefit. We cannot find our passion merely by sitting or by searching the depths of mind. Passions comes from putting actions and learning from our experiences and experiences of others too.?

2.????Our search for feeling before the experience - Passions evolves out of our experiences. If we are looking to feel passionate about putting actions, then it will take a long time. Will you expect yourself to fall in love with an artist before even looking at the art piece he has created? Obviously, no. then how can we become passionate about things which we have never done? Or at least seen someone doing it. The feeling of passion will come to us naturally once we have an experience, not before.

3.????We are staying on the course - There is nothing wrong if we pursue a long-term goal or walking on the same road for a while. But we should not let our ultimate goal blind us from the opportunities that arise along the way. Some of the most captivating options might start out as side jobs, part-time work, hobbies, or a random meeting. Rather than becoming obsessively focused only on the one area, we must take advantage of the new opportunities that our coming our way from time to time.

4.????Our urge to look for direction and clarity - We often think that if we will have great amount of clarity if find our passion and knowledge about what to do with our lives. Well, it is not that simple. Life is a series of situations including puzzlement and dilemma and we are not going to have solutions and answers for all. Despite the prevailing circumstances, we need to make best choice at the time and continue to move ahead. There is nothing wrong in finding our passion and to know about the right direction from the beginning. It is about choosing a direction, giving attention to what interests us, and pursuing our interest areas further.?

5.????We are not creative - People who are passionate are constantly creating something while those on the search of their passion are not doing so. When we push ourselves and create something new, it helps us to uncover what is important to us, what we are good at, and what we are willing to sacrifice for. Being creative is not easy but it has great importance for us to find our passion.

?We must pursue our interest with our objective and keep on pressing forwards by extending our limits. We are assignment helpers and we make a number of assignments on regular basis. These assignments tend to have different requirements and it becomes essential to ensure that you are fresh and creative so that you can do each and every assignment with scratch. I strongly believe that it is important to take a break and identify what makes you happy and then if you are doing that particular activity in your life, you will be passionate about it.


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