Finding our Flow to do great work
Jason M. Matthews, REALTOR? AHWD? CIPS
REALTOR? | CIPS Designee | AHWD? Certified | Long Island Board of REALTORS? & New York State Association of REALTORS? Committee Member | Passionate About Real Estate, Diversity & Salsa Dancing
There is an instance or occurrence when a man or woman does their best work. Something happens where there is no anxiousness of meeting deadlines, worrying about a past a person cannot change, nor a future that has not happened yet. A person in this state is surprising at their accomplishment that suddenly come out of them. We all possess this ability to be in this state of consciousness or what many calls Flow. When you are in your Flow, there is no sense of time, no worrying about what others think of us, and no self-doubt. You are allowing yourself to be present, here and now, and trusting yourself enough to be creative. Many best selling authors did not know their book would be a best-seller, nor did famous artists did not know their art would be admired by many. Flow is about trusting in yourself. It is about knowing that your best work, regardless of the industry you are in, can be significant. If being in Flow is so great, then why are we are not in it so often?
The simple answer is the pressures of life. We are in constant pressure to meet deadlines, outdo our competitors, buy that house, or buy that car to impress people you don't even like and does not like you. I am not suggesting to stop purchasing beautiful things or stop making goals for yourself, but focusing on these constant pressures keep us from being present and reaching our full potential. As a Financial Specialist, I make calls all day long. It is challenging to stay enthusiastic when I here the one-hundredth voicemail and the twentieth "No" from a prospect. What keeps me engaged in my work is that I like what I do, and more importantly, I believe in what I do. I am confident the products that I offer help companies grow if the business owner understands their business and use the funds wisely. The business owners that I've helped in the past, and get repeat business from keeps me engaged in my work because the repeat business proves the product I sell works. What also helps me with my Flow is listening to music, reading, and posting quotes on LinkedIn while I work. Many of the things I do keeps me present, and being present is timeless. Timelessness is the key to be in our Flow. Time is terrible when you are trying to be in Flow. Time is worrying, comparing, feeling guilty, feeling anxious, and having a feeling of despair. In all of us, there is the ability to do great work. We need to find our Flow. We accomplish the state of Flow by finding ways to be present. Finding your Flow is not always straightforward but can be done.