Finding oneself
Stacy Gimode
Youth Program Coordinator@ Green Skills Hub |Virtual Assistant | |Administrative Assistant Intern @ Child Welfare Society of Kenya | President Rotatarcat Pwani University
In the midst of the chaos of life, the need to comprehend situations and analyze them amicably is not devoid of emotions. One day you wake up all psyched up and ready to face the Biggest Gorilla and on somedays you can barely catch some sleep, and your mind is a tornado waiting to erupt with the slightest irritation. The echoes of your worst fear suffocating and twisting your vision and all you know is gloom. Is the answer escape from one's thoughts or elucidation of emotions to achieve the desirable result? The mind is a pandaro's box, unpacking its content can be an uphill task but extremely necessary. Checking within and unmasking why we feel some type of way and the possible solutions within our reach that are rational is a key ingredient to finding oneself. I am not a shrink, so evaluating the extent to which you need to see one or engage in activities that make you feel alive is debatable. I believe albeit escaping our thoughts seems easy, embracing them is the right thing to do but with an end game. I'll rather cry my heart out, scream, worse scenario snort then focus on what really matters. We are diverse and have a nuance of what is vital and worth our attention. Conclusively, treat yourself like you would someone you love dearly and be willing to learn, unlearn and relearn what it means ' finding oneself' and understand that embracing emotions is not a prerequisite of weakness or a recipe for misbehavior.