Finding Old Treasures reminds us to Address Current Issues

Finding Old Treasures reminds us to Address Current Issues

The October issue of NNA's Publisher's Auxiliary magazine featured a humorous-but-oh-so-true piece by Jay Dickerson, the Marketing & Advertising Manager at the Galena Gazette. Titled "Become a storage warrior for your paper," it talks about the "treasures" that were uncovered during his company's move. (If you haven't read it yet, I'd strongly recommend that you click below.)

Jay's story rung especially true for me, as SCS moved in 2020 and we had many of the same experiences unearthing antiques and items worthy of display in a museum. That's another story for another day. What really caught my attention in Jay's story, in addition to the various movie references, was the mention of CDs, DVDs and Zip disks.?

Back when disk space was a premium, it wasn't uncommon for art departments to have shelves, binders, file cabinets, etc. full of removeable media. Remember the days of having to track down a DVD to find an ad that ran a few months ago? If you don't, trust me, it was as bad as it sounds!

As disk space became more affordable, live archives became a reality. Gone were the days of having to retrieve DVDs. Now, terabyte-capacity disk drives are commonplace. The tricky part is keeping the files organized.

That's where SCS/Track comes into play.

The system a great big organized catalog, complete with a robust search engine that allows queries by date range, advertiser name, ad type and even copy that appears in the ad itself. In a few short seconds, after a quick scan through the index, results are presented and ads from as far back as you can imagine are available at your fingertips.?

Sound like something you could use? Click here to learn more or email me at [email protected].


