Finding the way on my artist's journey
This week marks the end of my Artist's Way journey and in retrospect I am so glad I committed and took the plunge. The guide was originally written back in 1992 and despite it's wide acclaim and following, I think it could definitely use an updated edition more conducive to the real challenges we have here in the digital age. Despite all this, I found it had tremendous bearing on my life each day over the past few weeks.
Back in January I was feeling aimless and hopeless after being suddenly laid off from my role at a start up company at the end of 2023. I began to look for inspiration to help me find direction towards a life and career that I could feel fulfilled in spending my time and effort. I did some inner reflection, read some great inspirational literature that provided some guidance and insight into what I enjoy doing most - making creative content. As a result, I decided to take a few After Effects courses to enhance my abilities in this area with the hope that I would be able to utilize what I've learned to help small businesses here in the Bay Area with their Digital Signage and promotions efforts. Since then, I have completed a few courses and now consider myself to be "dangerous" and have even put together the first version of my reel and website at!
While learning these new skills and practicing creative thinking, I also wanted to continue to look for a role at a job where I would be able to leverage what I've learned to enhance the customer experience while also continuing to create fun and exciting content to add to my portfolio of work. During my search over the last few months, I was intentionally selective on what roles I would apply for. This was a very difficult thing for me to commit to, since fear of the unknown and a very challenging job market drove the fear of not being able to find a role in a reasonable amount of time. Patience was a struggle, especially when receiving the dreaded rejection email template for the couple of roles that I felt I was well qualified for. Then, one day - the patience paid off. More news to come on that soon :)
Overall, these are my two main takeaways after wading in the sea of uncertainty over the past few months:
1) Writing each morning has been a huge benefit for my creative process and my mental well being. Historically a natural procrastinator, I initially wasn't totally sure that I would be able to spend each morning writing about seemingly everything and nothing. However, I now find that writing things like my tasks and goals for the day each morning helps assure me that they'll get done. Over the past few weeks I have been astounded with the things I have been able to do simply by committing them to paper. What's more is I have found my writers voice and have even begun writing a the idea for a novel, which is something I have been thinking and dreaming about doing for years but have always told myself that was beyond my grasp. I'm eager to continue this habit long after the course is done and I look forward to the possibilities the practice will present to me in the future.
2) Being kind to myself and allowing myself time to reflect and create a routine for myself has been the lifesaver that has kept me afloat on the days where I felt I was most disheartened. As long as I can remember (probably another quirk of being an only child), I have always been very hard on myself when faced with failure or embarrassment. And sure enough, just like good ol' grandpa Yoda said - fear lead to anger and anger to hate. Not allowing myself kindness through times of uncertainty or bumps in the creative process effectively precluded me from following my creative spirit. Ensuring the creative spirit thrives and is nurtured has been the way I have been able to keep my head above water and focus on the things in life that leave me happy and fulfilled.
I want to quickly and finally thank all of the folks who provided me with encouraging words over the past few months. The community of LinkedIn members here is so strong, and I have truly found it compelling that so many have been willing to speak candidly about their experiences and are willing to help each other. If you are interested in chatting more about digital content creation, The Artist's Way or anything else please drop me a message!
Growing and learning with the community around me.
12 个月Exciting stuff Eric! It looks like your hard work is paying off! Thanks for sharing your journey.