Finding my Soul's Purpose
Gila Nehemia (she/her)
Principal Technical Content Developer @ Dell Technologies | Writing empowerment coach
All around me I am witnessing miraculous changes of people leaving corporate jobs to follow their chosen path, their purpose. My youngest daughter said to me today when we looked up at the moon, “You know everything has a purpose.” I replied, “Yes, even we have a purpose.” She said, “I don’t know my purpose.” I said, “Yes, we need to find it and live by it since then we will feel fulfilled.” It is these chance conversations that matter to us that make our lives worthwhile. I told her that being a mother is not my purpose; there is something more that I am meant to do that I am still searching for. As a teacher, I never believed that I had all the answers, I was just a guide to my students to help them reach their goals or help them find the answers they were yearning to learn about. Now, it is my turn to look for my answers for my calling, for my purpose. I believe that nothing happens by chance. All things happen for a reason, it is for us to interpret the signs around us, to live holistically with nature, our intuition, our heart, our soul, and our minds.
I used to let my mind lead me, but I soon found that I was always walking a path that was not fulfilling my heart and soul. Suppression in the workplace was the norm, I hid so I did not feel seen or heard. Even when I was passionate about my job I felt like I was running from my own emotions, from situations in my intimate relationships. I longed to be whole and accept myself completely with all of my insecurities. Deep down I knew I needed to love myself though I didn’t know-how. Finally, I chose the intuitive path of trusting mentors and healers to hold me and show me that I have all the wisdom within. I let my heart lead me and trusted in the Divine unfolding of my life. Now, I am the happiest I have ever been in a long time. Your heart is the only guide that will enrich your life and your soul.
Gila Nehemia guides people to live a limitless life of unconditional love. Her mentoring focuses on trusting the internal GPS, our intuition, body, and heart. Her guidance helps people to increase awareness of their own divine bodies and heal traumatic wounds through writing. This authentic inner healing empowers people to live a divinely erotic blissful life.
Learn more about Gila and her services at