Finding My Life Purpose - Why Are You Here?

Finding My Life Purpose - Why Are You Here?

Wake Up the Passion in Your Life Before It's Too Late!?

@Books By D.Harold

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Exerts are from Finding My Life Purpose - Why Are You Here?

As we age, life sometimes becomes very complicated, if we don't know what's next in our life. Life changes, divorce, loss of loved ones, hard times and tragedies will often make choosing the right path to your next life purpose really difficult. This digital book, DVD or online workshop series will put you back on track.

Get Certified to teach this stuff. By attending this training, you will learn how to successfully teach others to implement these life changing principals that will also help them to find and to focus on their life purpose.?

Certified Master Trainer Digital Workshop Start-up Business w/ Five (5) Training Manuals / Training Power Points / Plus Certificate.

Yes, you can learn how-to teach this stuff and help others.

FINDING MY LIFE PURPOSE - Exerts are from Finding My Life Purpose - Why Are You Here?


Wake Up the Passion in Your Life Before It's Too Late!?

Why Are You Here?

Few of us clearly know our life purpose. But if we reflect on how our life has unfolded, and if we know what questions to ask ourselves, we can begin to glimpse answers to this perennial question.

And we can assure you: finding and living our purpose deeply enriches our lives. We know from experience that when we consciously align with our deepest reasons for being, we tap into rich reserves of energy, personal power and passion.

Our lives begin to flow in new and delightful ways.

Our Life Purpose Reflects:

" What we naturally DO best in life - the gifts, talents and skills our personality has to offer the world".? Human beings want to feel useful. We long to give our lives some deeper meaning.

As long as you have not discovered this deeper meaning, you feel frustrated and on the wrong track.? We want our lives to be worthwhile. This does not mean we need to achieve ‘great feats’ or become world famous.?

We just need to feel in place and do the right thing surrounded by the right people. It’s about finding out our mission. It’s about finding ‘inner peace’.

Our Mission on Earth is Twofold:

( 1 ) The general aspect is that we?are here to learn to bring more love into the world.

( 2 ) The personal aspect is that everyone has their own peculiar, unique way of doing this.?

Next Week

Our Mission on Earth is Twofold

“Some people solve jigsaw puzzles by first fitting all the pieces on the borders and then squeeze in the piece in the middle.”

Finding My Life Purpose Module 1 - Why Are You Here?

1 Audio / Visual PDF Workshop / Manual and a certificate are included.

Finding My Life Purpose Module 2 - Your Number One Priority!

1 Audio / Visual PDF Workshop / Manual and a certificate are included.

Finding My Life Purpose Module 3 - Your Mission in Life!?

1 Audio / Visual PDF Workshop / Manual and a certificate are included.

Finding My Life Purpose Module 4- Define Purpose?

1 Audio / Visual PDF Workshop / Manual and a certificate are included.

Finding My Life Purpose Module 5 - Are You Doing Life or Is Life Doing You?

1 Audio / Visual PDF Workshop / Manual and a certificate are included.


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