Finding money to make your budget happen it’s not just for St. Patrick’s Day.
Mortgage Workflow Partners Inc.
Encompass? Specialists. Implementation, Support, Training, Coaching, & Expertise is what we provide to all clients.
If you feel frustrated that your company won't invest in the things you want because they "don't have the budget for it, "don't think you are the only one facing that situation. Every time I hear that I always turn to three "tried and true" areas in every organization where I go to find the money for what I want the company to invest into.
The first area is the mailroom. Now that does not mean the physical mail room; it simply means everything the company pays to deliver physical documents. These could be forward, disclosures, closing packages, and other items that use the US PS, FedEx, UPS, DHL, Etc. It is almost magical when a company looks at that general ledger for that expense. It is usually met with amazement that in this day and age of digital, so much money is spent on moving around physical paper. Make sure you leverage all of the Encompass? technology to send and receive documents electronically from the beginning through post-closing and everything else.
The second area that I always find money in companies has to do with licensing of software. It is typically one of those general ledger items that again gets buried in someone else's budget that you don't usually see. For most organizations that leverage, Encompass, typically, you need Excel and Word, which is it. A few users may need the full Adobe license to apply signatures, but other than that, it is only sometimes needed. I was hoping you could ask your accounting team to list all the bills your company is paying related to technology licensing. In that case, you might find more money than you expected because you must realize you have the software to use.
The last place to find money is in the secondary team. It's not that you were going to be some mystical secondary person that will magically shake the money tree, but if your secondary team constantly has to extend locks, or can't deliver on mandatory commitments because of the inefficiencies in your workflow, Ka-Ching$$$! It's one of the most obvious places to look for money, but consequentially due to the nature of the situation, it can also be the most complex to generate money. I want you to think about money not lost is money gained. You can find this evident in the historic delivery patterns and the execution as compared to the original lock with your investor. This insight might be hard to obtain if you did not correctly leverage the secondary registration tool.
Mortgage Workflow Partners is different from every other service provider. We understand precisely how you should be running your business, leveraging the most appropriate technologies for you at the best possible times. If you want to know more, reach out, and we can discuss how we can help. I hope you go forward with some of this knowledge to find your money at the end of your rainbow today on St. Patrick's Day 2023.