Finding Median Of Two Sorted Arrays

Finding Median Of Two Sorted Arrays

As part of our series on algorithms and data structures, today we are going to solve a very interesting problem that has been asked in many interviews. This problem is available on many problem-solving websites, including LeetCode.

As part of our series on algorithms and data structures, today we are going to solve a very interesting problem that has been asked in many interviews. This problem is available on many problem-solving websites, including LeetCode. The problem is called the "median of two sorted arrays".

The problem statement of the algorithm can be seen in LeetCode 4,

"Given two sorted arrays?nums1?and?nums2 of sizes?m?and?n,?respectively, return?the median?of the two sorted arrays."

The algorithm is requested to have an overall time complexity of O(log (m+n)) for being accepted and nothing is mentioned about space complexity. Note that we will use Java as a programming language to solve this algorithm. Always remember to discuss and understand the problem thoroughly before proceeding to a solution. Ask the interviewer as many questions as you can, such as "What type of input are we expecting?" and "What is the expectation in terms of empty or null data?" Understand edge cases and discuss many possible solutions before jumping into the optimal one.

What is the median?

A median is the middle or central value of a set of numbers (in our case, an array of numbers). A median can be affected by the number of elements in an array; for example, in the case of an array of odd lengths such as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the median is simple: 3. But when elements' lengths are even, like {1, 2, 3, 4} then the median calculated by (2 + 3) / 2 = 2.5 is the median of that array.

Let's have a look at the sudo code for finding the median of an array.

let arr is an array:
    let mid = arr.length / 2     
    if arr is event:
        median = (arr[mid - 1] + arr[mid]) / 2
    if arr is odd:
        median = arr[mid]        

Now let's have a look at some of the many possible ways to find the median of two sorted arrays having different lengths.

Merge and find the median

One of many ways to solve the above algorithm is to merge both arrays and then find the median. Let's have a look hereinafter image to understand the merge.

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Two sorted arrays

We need to solve this by creating a new array with the size of the sum of both input arrays' sizes. Before jumping to the actual code let's see the sudo code,

let arr1 and arr2 are two arrays:
    let create an array mergedArr with size of arr1.length + arr2.length

    let mid = mergedArr.length / 2     
    if mergedArr is event:
        median = (mergedArr[mid - 1] + mergedArr[mid]) / 2
    if mergedArr is odd:
        median = mergedArr[mid]:        

Now we will convert the sudo code into actual implementations,

public static int[] merge(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) 
    int[] merge = new int[nums1.length + nums2.length];
    int i = 0, j = 0, x = 0;
    while (i < nums1.length && j < nums2.length) {
        if (nums1[i] < nums2[j]) {
            merge[x++] = nums1[i++];
        } else {
            merge[x++] = nums2[j++];
    while (i < nums1.length) {
        merge[x++] = nums1[i++];
    while (j < nums2.length) {
        merge[x++] = nums2[j++];
    return merge;

public static double findMedianSortedArrays(int[] nums1, int[] nums2) 
    int[] merged = merge(nums1, nums2);
    int halfIndex = merged.length / 2;
    return merged.length % 2 == 0 ? ((double) (merged[halfIndex - 1] + merged[halfIndex]) / 2) : (merged[halfIndex]);

The above solution is acceptable but not optimal. The time complexity of the above solution is O(N+M). While space complexity is also O(N+M) where N is the length of the first and M is the length of the second array.

Find the median using a binary search

We can improve our brute force solution by using the trick of binary search. Binary search is a technique that is used to find elements in an array of sorted elements. Binary search divides the array in half and checks if an element is less than, greater than, or equal to the division index. If the element is greater than the middle element, we move to the right side of the array; if the element is less, we move to the left side of the array, and so on until the element is found.?

Let's have a quick look at how binary search works by implementing it. We can use both iterative and recursive approaches to perform binary searches.

// Binary search is a searching algorithm to find element from
// sorted array/data-structure. Time complexity is Log(n)
// Iterative approach

public static int findByBinarySearch(int[] data, int value) {
    if (Objects.isNull(data) || data.length == 0)
        return 0;
    int start = 0;
    int end = data.length;

    while (start <= end) {
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
        if (data[mid] == value) return mid;

        if (data[mid] > value) {
            end = mid - 1;
        } else {
            start = mid + 1;

    return -1;

and the recursive approach is,

// Binary search is a searching algorithm to find element from
// sorted array/data-structure. Time complexity is Log(n)
// Recursive approach

public static int findByBinarySearchRecursive(int[] data, int value) 
    return findByBinarySearchRecursive(0, data.length, data, value);

public static int findByBinarySearchRecursive(int start, int end, int[] data, int value) {
    if (start > end) return -1;
    else {
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
        if (data[mid] == value) return mid;

        if (data[mid] < value)
            return findByBinarySearchRecursive(mid + 1, end, data, value);
            return findByBinarySearchRecursive(start, mid - 1, data, value);

As we understand how binary search works, we will tweak binary search to find the median of two sorted arrays. As a first step, we need to find separation in both arrays such that the "left half" is less than the "right half." To achieve a very optimal time complexity of O(min(Log N, Log M)), we need to make sure that the first input array is always less than the second input array. Let's see step by step how we will find our required results.

  • Let's assume we have two arrays named X and Y.
  • We'll check to see if the first input array (X) is larger than the second (Y), and if so, we'll replace both.
  • We will use four variables throughout our algorithm, startOfSmallArray, endOfSmallArray, partitionIndexOfSmallArray and partitionIndexOfLargeArray and isOdd.
  • We will calculate?partitionOfSmallArray by "(startOfSmallArray + endOfSmallArray) / 2", while partitionIndexOfLargeArray by "(smallArray.length + largeArray.length + 1) / 2 -?partitionOfSmallArray".
  • The partition could look like this; as previously discussed, we must iterate until both arrays on the left side of the partition are smaller than the array on the right. To do so, we must get to the point where the left element of X's partition is less than the right element of Y's partition; similarly, the left element of Y should be less than the right element of X.?

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Partition of sorted arrays

  • If x0 > y1 then it means that the median for the X array should be on the left side. So we need to move the partition of X to the left side of the array and we will do this by updating endOfSmallArray with the partition of small array - 1.
  • if y0 > x1 then its mean median for the X array should be on the right side. So we need to move the partition of X on the right side of the array and we will do this by updating startOfSmallArray with the partition of small array + 1.
  • if both condition fails then it means we are at a point where our desired condition is fulfilled where x0 < y1 and y0 < x1.
  • if isOdd is true then we just need to return max(x0, y0).
  • if isOdd is false then we need to return max(x0, y0) + min(x1, y1) / 2.0.

Let's Code

class Solution 
    public double findMedianSortedArrays(int[] X, int[] Y) {
        // step 1: check if X > Y then replace
        if (X.length > Y.length) {
            int[] tmp = Y;
            Y = X;
            X = tmp;
        int startOfSmallArray = 0;
        int endOfSmallArray = X.length;
        int partitionOfSmallArray;
        int partitionOfLargeArray;
        boolean isOdd = (X.length + Y.length) % 2 != 0;

        while (startOfSmallArray <= endOfSmallArray) {
            partitionOfSmallArray = (startOfSmallArray + endOfSmallArray) / 2;
            partitionOfLargeArray = ((X.length + Y.length + 1) / 2) - partitionOfSmallArray;
            // x0 > y1
            if (partitionOfSmallArray > 0 && partitionOfLargeArray < Y.length
                    && X[partitionOfSmallArray - 1] > Y[partitionOfLargeArray]) {
                endOfSmallArray = partitionOfSmallArray - 1;
            // x1 < y0
            else if (partitionOfSmallArray < X.length && partitionOfLargeArray > 0
                    && X[partitionOfSmallArray] < Y[partitionOfLargeArray - 1]) {
                startOfSmallArray = partitionOfSmallArray + 1;
            } else {
                int maxLeft = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                if (partitionOfSmallArray > 0) {
                    maxLeft = Math.max(maxLeft, X[partitionOfSmallArray - 1]);
                if (partitionOfLargeArray > 0) {
                    maxLeft = Math.max(maxLeft, Y[partitionOfLargeArray - 1]);
                if (isOdd) return maxLeft;
                else {
                    int minRight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    if (partitionOfSmallArray < X.length) {
                        minRight = Math.min(minRight, X[partitionOfSmallArray]);
                    if (partitionOfLargeArray < Y.length) {
                        minRight = Math.min(minRight, Y[partitionOfLargeArray]);
                    return (double) (maxLeft + minRight) / 2.0;

        return -1;

Time Complexity:?O(min(log M, log N)): Since binary search is being applied on the smaller of the 2 arrays.

Auxiliary Space:?O(1).


We discussed one of the most common array problems in this article: finding the middle of two sorted arrays. We discussed different approaches to finding the median and their time and space trade-offs. We also revisit the binary search algorithm and learn how to modify it for two sorted arrays to find a partition that will help us calculate the median. At last, we practically wrote an optimal algorithm to get the best results. Happy reading!


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