Finding Meaning in the midst of Busyness
Am posting this short note on behalf of a dear friend @Charlene Chua, who is undergoing religious training at the moment. I have found her sharing and writing to be relevant to business settings and professionals.
She recommends that being an "active-contemplative" could help one to establish a clear connection with the purpose of our lives. How can we maintain this clear connection with our purpose even amidst the hustle and bustle of daily activity?
Charlene has 2 practical tips for busy executives on the rat race.
(1) By taking a short pause before every activity, to add an intention to the activity – with a view of connecting the intention to the larger purpose of your life. "I am doing this for my family"; "I am doing this for my health" etc.
(2) By habitually turning your thoughts and gaze to your purpose. It can be very simple, e.g. "Being thankful for each day to be able to fulfill your purpose"; "Seeking to have meaningful relationships with people around you – especially how they connect to your purpose."
According to Charlene, these are just 2 simple ways; but there are definitely more which you can explore. St. Francis of Sales was certain that living a devout and clean life is something that was relevant for everyone - not just the religious. Paraphrasing St. Francis “everybody fulfills his/her special calling better when subject to the influence of purpose and devotion:--family duties are lighter, married love truer…every kind of occupation more acceptable and better performed where that is the guide.”