Finding The Marketing Unicorn
Rob Weinberg - Helping People Write Books
Author | Columnist | Strategist | Speaker | Marketing Guru | Editor | Project Management | Networker | Rotarian
In a recent conversation, a Millennial business owner lamented: “My marketing director knows all about social media…but can’t do much of anything else.”
Anecdotal evidence suggests this reaction is increasingly common, with a substantial number of marketers under the age of 40 who are well-versed with the flavor of the month…but not much more. Request they develop a direct mail campaign, a sweepstakes, a press release, or other traditional marketing tools and they’re as likely to panic as to have their eyes glaze over.
And don’t even ASK many of them to try and build a marketing plan from scratch.
This exciting article was just published by Renaissance Executive Forums, and provides very realistic, hard-hitting, and immediately usable advice on how to solve labor shortages in the marketing suite...and beyond.
Read the whole piece yourself today, address your talent shortfall tomorrow.