Finding Magic in My Everyday Fairytale ?
Tanvi Vyas
Content team lead@ StoreApps | MBA Instructional Design, MA Literature, B.Des Fashion Design | Total Experience: 9 years
So, I’m not usually the type to get hooked on dramas or TV shows.
But just a few days ago, I stumbled upon a Pakistani drama called Fairytale. Yeah, the word says it all something we no longer talk about... fairytales, the ones we grew up watching and believing in.
And then, as we grew older, we started thinking, “Fairytales? They’re just fiction, right? Just stories. That’s all.”
But here’s the thing — watching this show made me realize something profound, something I want to share with you today, not just as a reminder to myself, but maybe to remind you too.
Sometimes, we start seeing our lives as just a series of struggles, day after day. We think we’ve grown up now, and we can’t possibly live that storybook life anymore, can we?
But you know what?
That’s not true. It’s just not.
Here’s what this drama reminded me of:
Shouldn’t we love every second of it?
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.
I felt like sharing this with you today because maybe this is something you’ve been needing to hear.
At the end of the day, this life you’re living — this is your fairytale. You just have to stop, take a deep breath, and look at it with love.
Trust me, when you do, you’ll find your fairytale right there waiting for you.
I hope, from now on, you’ll love your life a little more.
Here’s to your own happy fairytale. ??
By the way, I am listening to this song on a loop right now. ??
Tanvi ??