Finding Joy Every Day
Beth Wuller
Creating mental healthiness paths for children and the adults who love them. "What's inside matters most." Founder/Chief Intention Officer @ Neugroove, the growth mindset brand.
This is the second of a four-part series on happiness inspired by the United Nations International Day of Happiness, which happens every year on March 20th.
In the first article, we learned that 40 percent of your personal happiness is within your immediate control. This time, we’ll explore some ways to impact this 40 percent with small, easy-to-do, and yet powerful choices, that you can make every day.
First, please take a moment to identify the people, places, things, sounds, tastes, or activities that bring you a feeling of absolute and Pure Joy. Think about your happiness on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the happiest you have ever felt. Close your eyes and feel your “10” level of happiness, or Pure Joy.
What image comes to mind immediately? What’s next? And next?
Maybe your first thoughts are of specific people or pets. Maybe physical activities like running, dancing, or playing volleyball. It could be as simple as a quiet moment sitting on a patio feeling the warm breeze after a cold winter. Or simply enjoying a picture or memory of your child's sweet smile. Remember the belly laughs you’ve recently experienced with your loved ones – maybe at a comedy club or during a favorite movie. It could even be that quiet time in spiritual reflection about what you are most grateful for, whether this happens while you’re attending church, yoga or simply meditating at home.
These are just some ideas to get you started. Your images and memories of joy will be very personal, as unique as you are.
Now, make a list of these things that give you that feeling of Pure Joy. Literally write them down. Or type them in a note on your phone. They don’t all have to be perfect 10’s, but the goal is for each memory or image to inspire a feeling of love, fun, or gratitude.
This is now your go-to list for identifying the happiness already happening in your life. At a minimum, you can take a moment anytime and anywhere to pause and reflect on some of your fond memories. Better yet, keep growing your list by intentionally infusing your life with more of these amazing moments.
To start, think about how many Pure Joy moments you experience on a weekly basis. If you don’t know how often this happens, just begin by tracking it. Then, set reasonable goals for how you can intentionally add moments of Pure Joy into your daily routine.
For some, it might be as easy as just becoming aware of, and reflecting on, Pure Joy moments. These blissful moments may happen more frequently than you realize. But, by not recognizing or appreciating them, the positive feelings can be fleeting and forgotten.
Robert Emmons, Ph.D., is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Positive Psychology. In his book, Thanks!: How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier, Emmons shows how people who regularly practice grateful thinking can increase their “set point” for happiness by as much as 25 percent.
Emmons also offers a 21-day program and several ideas for cultivating an authentic mindset of gratitude in his book, Gratitude Works! Some of his recommendations include gratitude journaling, gratitude letters, and gratitude visits. Please consider reading more about how these approaches could increase the level of happiness in your life.
Since we are each are responsible for creating our own happiness (a topic for another time), try choosing to do one more small thing every day that makes you smile, and then don't forget to be grateful for it.
Thank you.