Finding Joy in the Academic Journey by Olusola Joshua Opaleye

Finding Joy in the Academic Journey by Olusola Joshua Opaleye

"The joy of learning is a gift that lasts a lifetime, and it's one we should cherish and cultivate every day." - William Arthur Ward

The academic journey is marked by numerous ups and downs, twists and turns, making it an unpleasant ride. Many individuals have succumbed to burnout and abandoned their pursuit, questioning whether the ultimate prize justifies the sacrifices. Others have persevered until the end, only to fall prey to arrival fallacy, where the destination seems anticlimactic. They feel a sense of disappointment, as the reward for their efforts fails to match their expectations.

However, in the midst of the rigors of your academic journey, joy can bloom like a wildflower when a student dares to deviate from the well-trodden path and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

How, then, can one find joy in the academic journey?

Curiosity is the supplier of the spark that ignites the love of learning. Anyone curious about a subject becomes more engaged, motivated, and enthusiastic. Embracing curiosity is one surefire way of finding joy in one's learning process. To embrace curiosity is to ask yourself questions like "Why does this matter?" or "How does this relate to my interests?" This helps you connect the dots and see the bigger picture. When people see the bigger picture, the current circumstance of their academic journey seems insignificant.

If you understand the purpose and significance of your studies, it will ultimately open your eyes to the joy that lies therein. By all means, find the purpose of your academics. Yes, it may not necessarily be a course you love. Yes, the academic environment may not be correct, but I dare you to take some time out to think through the significance of your academic journey. Reflect on how your academic pursuits align with your values, goals, and passions. Ask yourself, "How will this knowledge or skill benefit me and others?" or "How does this contribute to my long-term goals?" It may seem like trying to obtain water from a rock, but if you dwell enough on the search, you will see joy popping out and urging you on.

Practicing gratitude and celebrating your little victories is another way to cultivate joy in your academic journey. Be thankful for the improvement in your test results, that you now complete and submit your assignments on schedule. Celebrate the fact that your attention span during lectures is now better. Celebrate the day the lecture was enlightening. Celebrate and be thankful for the improvement in your CGPA, even if it is a 0.1 increase. It is in celebrating yourself for the little wins rather than consistently dwelling on the negative that you build momentum and begin to go for the bigger wins. You will begin to find joy in your academic pursuit as more victories come along.

Your companions in your academic journey are also vital joy suppliers. Have you been on a trip before with friends who spice things up with jokes and laughter? Such trips are often very memorable. The same applies to your academic journey. Your ability to build positive relationships from the beginning of your trip will determine how less troublesome your academics can be. Do you have mentors, especially in your course of study? How about your study partner? Is he a top performer or is he also struggling? Supportive peers, siblings, parents, even instructors are vital relationships that you can leverage to continue supplying you with the courage and motivation to move on. They can provide a ray of light with their care, words of encouragement, etc., on the dark and gloomy days of your academic journey.

Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is crucial for finding joy in your academic journey. Make time for activities that bring you happiness, like exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Prioritize sleep, healthy eating, and stress management techniques like meditation or deep breathing. Remember, you are the most important entity in your academic journey. Not the certificates, not the lecturers, not your expectant parents, or even society. In the midst of the rigors of the journey, never neglect self-care.

In conclusion, finding joy in your academic journey requires intentionality, self-awareness, and a willingness to embrace the process. By cultivating curiosity, finding meaning and purpose, building positive relationships, celebrating small wins, and practicing self-care, you can transform your academic experience into a fulfilling and joyful one. Remember, happiness and success go hand-in-hand. By finding joy in your studies, you'll set yourself up for a lifetime of learning, growth, and success.

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