Finding Joshua, A Time of Transformation, Reformation, and Deconstruction, Learning to Live Again
"Dude, I can't believe we get to be alive in these times. It's such a blessing to be able to witness such a tremendous disruption. So fucking cool" - Anonymous
Good morning how are you, it seems the world is in a new phase, let's agree to enjoy it together. I think in times like these, we learn to live again; I think in times like these, we learn to love again. Join me in learning how to live again.
Is it possible that we are busier today than before this malarkey started? I had six appointments yesterday, spent my time in between checking on family, friends, and clients. I like to keep busy; there is always a way.
This is a time of transformation, reformation, and deconstruction. We are being forced to view how we did things and then reorganize our mind, body, and souls to the new reality. This is not a city thing. This is not a state thing. This is not a country thing. This is a worldwide shift in how we will learn to live with a daily developing rule set.
Today, in Colorado, we are in a lockdown situation. You are not permitted to go outside unless you can check a box. The boxes include grocery's, medical care, and a few others; I'm not bothering to look at the list; my team is staying put.
I'd like to share a story about a friend of mine, he's like Elon Musk, seriously, he's like Elon Musk. I met him on a rooftop bar; we enjoyed each other's energy; we connected soon after and became friends. He is like no man I've ever met. He's a good friend to have in these times. He shared the quote I used to start and end this little batch of soup, his name is Joshua, a biblical name, fitting for who he has become.
He was not always the man he is today. Years ago, he was married and had six kids, he was very involved with his church, he was a leader, and then it became apparent that he was not living the life his creator planned, he has disregarded his marching orders. He explained to his wife his change, how he felt, and to this day, he and his wife are best friends.
He now lives alone, helping lead others, he's not a prophet, but seems to have an uncanny ability to see the future. He was the founder of a successful company, he built it, when the board thought his vision was too bold, they asked him to leave. He did, and in January of this year, he sold his stock, cashed in his chips and took them off the table. He removed all his money from the stock market, sold all his possessions, and is now merely serving others.
My Queen and I chatted with Joshua yesterday; we had a virtual call. I think this will be a weekly call moving forward. I'm trying to get him to move to our neighborhood, knowing that living on top of a mountain will only help him get greater clarity on where his true path might be. I would encourage you to follow him on Facebook; he shares some beautiful thoughts, ideas, and can maybe make you a better human being. He is on a new journey, one that will help make all of us better people. Find him here:
I've been having a lot of meetings, and I can share that everyone I speak with has a positive view of what is to come. They are seeing the reconnection of humanity, the worldwide reset, the reordering of our world. Financially many will suffer, but as we have been taught, suffering is not evil, it's a teacher like love, hate, and anger. We will learn to suffer together. As a person with many blessings, I plan to help others as needed. I worked hard to build a war chest, my war chest will become a bounty for my family and friends in need. I'm not alone; it's time for those of us with gifts to share with others.
We are all grieving if you have been exposed to the five stages of grief, let me point you to our friend Google and ask that you kindly research that topic.
The final stage is acceptance, and I think the quicker you can move to the acceptance of our new world, the better your life will become. The other stages are essential, you might find yourself in one of the other stages, but there is a progression that we will all navigate, and all end up in stage five. This will not be an easy time; I am not saying we are in a time of rainbows and puppies, we all in a dark evolutionary time, but we will get through this together, apart.
The sun is starting to rise, as are all my fellow humans. I like to get up a little early to make soup for those that hunger for some thoughts or ideas that may not be found anywhere else. I am a beacon; I am light; I will not be snuffed out in this time of reformation. I ask you to become a light for others; many will need you; many will need us; there has never been a more dire time for leaders to shine. Be strong, be safe, follow the rules, live the life you have been asked to live, but do something more for humanity.
Let's agree that we will come through this as better humans being. Let's all reflect on our warts, scars, and limitations and agree that we will be new enlightened beings once this is over. And yes, this will be over, I don't know how long this new world order will take, but soon we will be congregating again, we will be hugging, touching, squeezing each other with glee. Look forward not back, but take some time to become the best version of yourself. It's times like these we learn to live again. It's times like these we learn to love again.
"Dude, I can't believe we get to be alive in these times. It's such a blessing to be able to witness such a tremendous disruption. So fucking cool" - Anonymous
Owner of Apex Odor & Disinfection | Returning Properties to a Safe, Sanitary and Odorless state
4 å¹´That's the right mentality to have Anson!
Co-Founder of
4 å¹´I am right here Anson?? JK, great article sir!