Finding a Job that You're Passionate About ...

Finding a Job that You're Passionate About ...

Quarter Life Crisis : Channel 8 Interview By now you’ve likely heard of the quarter-life crisis — a period of insecurity and doubt that many people in their mid 20s to early 30s go through surrounding their career, relationships, and finances. A survey from Linkedin shows that 75% of 25-33 year olds have experienced a quarter-life crisis, often related to feeling like they are at a crossroad in their career.

LinkedIn took a look at this phenomenon and talked to thousands of professionals globally on whether they’ve experienced a quarter-life crisis, what triggered it, and the career implications. People in this age range feel a lot of uncertainty and frustration around their careers, even more so than pressure around their relationships and personal life goals.

#Tip: Remember that everyone is at a different stage in their professional journey. Think about what makes you happy in your career and beyond, and establish goals that help you work towards your definition of success.

#Tip: Exploring your strengths, establish your self-identify, knowing that you are unique. When you can define "Who am I", focus on leveraging talents, taking the challenges, becoming the best version of you. "What I want to be" will help you build confidence of living in a life close to your expectation.

When will you host the workshop in HK?


