Finding a Job During COVID-19 #38: Top Jobs in demand, job mobility, Emergency Broadband, and Equal Pay for Equal Work
Katherine Keegan
Director of the Office of the Future of Work at Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment and the Office of the Future of Work publish articles to share hiring trends and highlight online and in-person resources to connect workers with meaningful employment. This week, we’ll give you an update on last month’s job postings, share a new report from the Brookings Institution, a webinar on the Emergency Broadband Benefit, and a fact sheet on the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act. Click here to read the last article.?
Job postings trends for (6/16/21 - 6/22/21)
As of 6/29/21, there were 107,981 open jobs, 31,421 location neutral jobs and 83,666 jobs posted in the last month (55,493 still open) on ConnectingColorado. In the first table below you’ll see the total number of jobs posted across all occupations in the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, and the percentage change from the prior year. In the second table, you’ll see the top 10 jobs posted most often in Colorado according to Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. (Emsi). We’ve included whether or not these top 10 are ‘top jobs’ (high annual openings, above-average growth, and a good wage) and their score on Emsi’s automation index (occupations with an automation index above 100 have an above-average risk of automation, while occupations with an automation index of below 100 have a below-average risk of automation).?
Which jobs joined the top 50 (6/16/21 - 6/22/21)?
Since the last article, we have had three occupations return to the top 50 most posted jobs in Colorado.
Which jobs rise to the top (6/16/21 - 6/22/21)?
The occupations that have the most job postings, are top jobs (high annual openings, above average growth, and a good wage), and are resistant to automation include:?
What job titles are posted the most (6/16/21 - 6/22/21)??
Below we’ll look at the top 10 most posted job titles, according to Emsi.?
What industries are posting the most jobs (6/16/21 - 6/22/21)??
What skills are most requested in job postings (6/16/21 - 6/22/21)?
- Communications
- Management
- Customer Service
- Sales
- Operations
- Leadership
- Detail Oriented
- Valid Driver's License
- Problem Solving
- Planning
Brookings: Moving up: Promoting workers’ upward mobility using network analysis
This report offers a new approach to better understand worker mobility. Using data on hundreds of thousands of real workers’ occupational transitions, Brookings used network analysis to create a multidimensional map of the labor market. Workers in low-wage occupations face particular hurdles, and persistent racial and gender disparities hold some workers back more than others. Brookings highlights why a multilateral approach to encouraging mobility is crucial—and that government, firms, worker organizations, and individuals all have a necessary part to play in promoting opportunity. Read the full report or the summary here.?
Equal Pay for Equal Work Act - Webinar & Fact Sheet
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment is committed to a compliance through education approach to rules and regulations impacting Colorado employers. Please join us for an employer-focused webinar on Colorado’s new Equal Pay for Equal Work Act (EPAWA) on Friday, July 2nd at 2 pm. During this webinar, you'll learn about the law and what it means for employers; how Colorado’s employers are currently performing under the new requirements; and get resources to assist your own compliance with the law. Employer requirements within EPAWA include listing compensation in job postings, notifying employees of promotional opportunities, and keeping job description and wage rate records. Join us on July 2nd at 2 pm learn more!
- Please register by July 2, 2021. You may submit questions in advance as part of your registration. Space may be limited due to webinar capacity, so please register early. A recording of the webinar will be made available on CDLE’s YouTube page following the event.
- Read the Equal Pay forEqual Work Fact Sheet
Emergency Broadband Benefit Outreach Webinar & Resources
Over 3 million households in the U.S. and 37,923 in Colorado have already enrolled to receive the Emergency Broadband Benefit, but there are many more households that qualify.? To help increase awareness about the Emergency Broadband Benefit, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) will be conducting a webinar for grassroots advocates, navigators, and others helping their local communities get connected.
The webinar will cover program basics, a walk-through of the online application process, and resources available to help drive enrollment. It is free to attend, but you must register:
- What:? USAC Webinar on the Emergency Broadband Benefit?
- Date:? Thursday - July 8, 2021?
- Time:? 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time?
A recording of the event will be posted to USAC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit webinar and trainings page.?
What other resources can help me find my next job?
I need a job right now.?
You can target your job search based on the top jobs posted for your education level or the industries of interest. You can search for these jobs using OnwardCO, or by registering with ConnectingColorado if you have a social security number.?
I want to connect with a career coach who can support me.?
Call your local workforce center using this map to schedule an appointment. Learn more about how workforce centers can help you here.
I want to find training to get a good job.?
- LinkedIn’s Free Learning Pathways: Based on Colorado's data of "jobs that rise to the top" in this weekly series, Microsoft's learning pathways for software developers, IT administrator, IT support/help desk, digital marketer, and financial analysts may be worth prioritizing. Microsoft's free learning pathway for building soft or essential skills would be a great refresher given their prevalence in top job postings. Microsoft's free learning pathway for virtual collaboration tools may be worth a look for those interested in pursuing (or continuing) remote work.?
- COTrainingProviders.Org: You can look at training options for the “jobs that rise to the top†by entering in the occupation title on COTraining; this search will show you where you can find training (online or in-person), and which local workforce center to connect with for potential funding.
I want to explore new careers and build an action plan.?
Check out My Colorado Journey. Once you create a free account, you’ll set up your profile by providing information about your unique needs, desires, and where you are in your career. From there, the platform generates personalized career and education recommendations with the opportunity to explore and evaluate options, providing all the information you need to make informed? decisions about your next steps.?
What else would you like to see? Let me know in the comments.