Finding a Good Leadership Course
Todd Eppert
Master Coach | Certified Exit Planner | Award-winning Business Coach | Small Business Consulting | Work On It, Not In It!
Leadership is and has been a buzz word in business for years, but what is it? What does leadership actually look like? We all want be better leaders and many of us spend thousands of dollars and huge amounts of time on training to become better leaders. My question is do you know what you're buying?
Every leadership course and class will be different because they are all based on different definitions of leadership, which leads us to different goals. So, how do you find a good leadership course? The first step of finding a good leadership training course is to understand the course definition of a leader. Then, you need to decide if that definition is aligned with your values. There's no point wasting time or money in a course that won't ultimately take you to the level of leader that you want to be.
Next, consider your goals. Do you want to be a leader? Do you want to hire leaders? Do you want to manage leaders? What are your strengths? What are your challenges? Your goals will greatly determine the type of course and duration of course you need. Don't underestimate the importance of goal setting when looking for the right course.
Lastly, interview the trainer. Do their values align with yours? Will the course meet your goals? What if your expectations are not met, are there guarantees? Before you spend your hard-earned money, it makes sense to have the right course, which also means the right trainer.
There are so many aspects to leadership that choosing the right course is a daunting task. Additionally, I feel we are facing a crisis in leadership in this country. It's not about age, experience, gender, race, or any other controversial trait - it's about character. Leadership is about things we see through actions. I'd like to see more action in leadership - character, ethics, work-life balance. There is global crisis in leadership right now and I want to be a part of the change, which is why I base my leadership training on these fundamental values. All of my leadership training will be designed to meet your goals, and if I'm not the right trainer for you, I have a large network of talented coaches that I will be happy to help connect you with.
To learn more about my values, please follow me on LinkedIn for my series of Leadership in Crisis. I would be honored to be a part of your team!