Finding a fulfilment.
Janis Janovskis
Seasoned Head of Technology, Cloud Expert, Executive Coach and Skipper. My mission is to help individuals and organisations overcome challenges by removing their limiting beliefs.
Just recently, I was reminded of an inspirational story about a street cleaner .
It happened long time ago when I was a teenager, I was at school, grade 10 I think. I lived in neighbourhood comprised of large block buildings. Next door to us lived a street cleaner, he was responsible a part of our block. I remember him being always happy ?? about his job. He did everything with passion and diligence one could envy.
Street was always clean regardless of any weather conditions ??, block staircase was shiny and glossy??????, despite of any inhabitants behaviour or attitude. I also remember him sending his kids to school, such care and always great wishes for their journeys. He lived a fulfilled life, it seemed to me he was following his dream. I never asked him what his dream was, but his actions and attitude talked for themselves.
My mentor John C. Maxwell assesses: “...every day that you are frustrated instead of fulfilled, you lessen the odds that you will be able to keep moving toward your dream.”
What can we learn from this story, and the observation from worlds Number 1 leadership expert; Find fulfilment in your journey, not just dream itself. Be joyful on your mistakes and create your own story.