Finding the focus in the distracted world
Ishwar Jha
Founder & Director @ Appetals Solutions | Fast-track MVP launch, accelerate growth and manage the tech team.
"For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy." Bhagavad Gita 6.6
Passion is an important quality that helps us dream with the open eyes, wake up every morning, and get out to go and do the things to realize our dreams, visions, and goals. But, when you are surrounded by so many distractions around you, it's difficult to pursue the passion with the focus. On many occasions, caught between these distractions, you simply can't go with the flow to get important things done. Your days, weeks, and months pass living in an uncertain terrain feeling victimized.
I have been pursuing morning walk, meditation, reflection techniques, reading books and articles to seek inspiration to keep taking account of the life situations. It helps me stay focused, and I thought of sharing with you too.
I have learned that you need to discover your strengths and focus on developing your strengths rather than pondering on your weaknesses. Like, I am good at creating product/services then I should strengthen my skills of thinking, innovation, and brainstorming.
The other think that helps me keep moving is actively seeking for opportunities to explore your aptitude in the different/adjacent fields that are complimentary to my strength. It's like a side project throwing up an opportunity to strengthen your core.
The third thing that I have realized that instead of trying my hands at everything just because I think I can do it better, you should rely on other people to help you get it done better. All of us have some unique strengths, and we can outdo the generalists.
With these the only thing that I am left to focus is to manage my thoughts, apply my strengths with full focus to get things done, and pursue stability that will lead to the path and the outcome that I desire.
This what God Krishna meant to say to Arjuna about the mind and to achieve the result with focus.