Finding Fluency - Start Simple, Learn Smart
Christine Woodside
Your Fairy Godmother of English ?? | Learn to Speak with Clarity, Confidence & Fluency | Creator of The Fluency Formula ?? | Company Classes | Business English | Speaking Club | 1:1 Coaching|
"I watch series and listen to podcasts to help me improve my English." On the face of it, that sounds like a great idea. After all, I’m always telling you to do so. But, are you doing it right?
I have very often heard my students say that they are watching something and are finding it very difficult and really need the subtitles or they can’t catch anything. This makes language learning like pulling teeth - challenging, tedious, and arduous.
The problem with subtitles is that your brain likes them a little too much and you’ll spend most of your time reading and not listening so carefully.
Sound familiar?
If you want to improve your fluency, then you need to be able to understand between 90-98% of what you are watching without subtitles; otherwise, it could be considered too difficult. However, I understand that many students enjoy a challenge. If you already understand 98%, then watching something more challenging could be worthwhile. Still, I would suggest trying something where you understand around 85% of what’s going on without subtitles.
Let's think about how children learn their native language for a moment. There are programmes and cartoons for young children because the language is specifically aimed at them. As the child can understand most of what they are watching, when new vocabulary is slowly introduced, their brain can understand it through the context. The key is to slowly introduce new vocabulary and let the brain fill in the gaps by drawing on the context. If you sat a child down to watch a documentary on quantum physics, they wouldn’t understand anything, get bored, switch off and therefore would not learn anything. It would, in fact, be a ridiculous waste of time. Perhaps, a little like if you watch a series on Netflix that you can’t understand.
The key is to learn new language in context in a more natural way. We’ve all heard of immersion to improve our language skills and it works because you live surrounded by the language in context and have to use it in your day-to-day.
However, thanks to technology, it is possible to immerse yourself to some degree without going anywhere by using podcasts, films, series, etc.
Tips for Choosing Content to Enhance Fluency:
Ready to take your fluency to the next level? Find out more about my timetable-free totally flexible Talk Anytime Fluency course, where you'll improve your speaking skills and gain confidence in English conversation through short tasks and my feedback.
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Feedback about Talk Anytime:?
“A fun course which was very useful and taught me a lot. I felt “pressure” but not overwhelmed at all. It hooked me on English with a lot of activities but I felt really comfortable doing them too. I felt superb. This is the first time I have tried something like this? and I wish I had done it before. Christine is an amazing, superb person, and I don’t have words to describe her as a teacher.
During the course, I learnt different idioms, phrasal verbs and vocabulary. 100% recommendable. It helped me through varied exercises to feel more confident in the way I talk, losing my fear about making mistakes and using real English. Such a good course that I’m going to repeat again next time. Excellent.” Eduardo