Finding A Flow to Happiness
Our paths may look different, but they lead us to the same place.

Finding A Flow to Happiness

Alan Watts's work inspires me. Over the past year, I discovered him while searching for talks on higher consciousness, and I painted nearly 250 shells, which are now compiled here .

I entered the flow state while habit-stacking, which is the ability to fully focus and concentrate while embracing immense happiness and joy. Everything feels light and airy in this state. Painting welcomed me to that positivity while I was learning, having fun, and enjoying peaceful hours. The inertia of multiple months of painting shells inspired me to publish my first adult mindfulness coloring book this July. Inspiration is everywhere.

Alan Watts played on my Alexa while calm music strung a harmony in the background. My sign, “La Dolce Vita,” lit the room in hot pink shadows cast along the walls.

What is your joy? Can you find it whenever you need?

Studying happiness behaviors, I realize that we can build our own treasure chest of joy within that can get filled as much as we like.

Many of these happiness hints are rooted in a release and let go.

Won't you allow yourself the permission to let in good light and energy? Are you slightly interested in finding the discipline to consistently shift?

So many say, “I can’t change,” or “I won’t change."

If everything is constantly changing in the universe, why stay stagnant with imaginary chains? Why vocally put those words out there to manifest more stuckness?

I hear far too many people saying, “I’m so busy. I’m swamped, I’m overwhelmed,” and if you listen to those words, they deliver an intense weight with untrue-ness that rings like clockwork when repeatedly shared with others.

In my latest book, Silent Integrity, I describe a particular happiness journey as a metaphysical mountain climb through the body's eight chakras. The book guides readers to understand their energy for emotional control and self-management.

I wrote that book with multiple motivational nights spent with Alan Watts, and I wanted to share some of his positive statements that bring a dose of reality.

If everything is in motion, you are, too; why not choose to sway with it all?

Light your own candle and see where the flame takes you...

Light yourself up like a flame.

Here are a few lessons Alan Watts spoke about to sip with your coffee.

  • Happiness is not the absence of problems; it’s your ability to deal with them.
  • Feeling bad after making a decision doesn’t mean it was the wrong decision.
  • Stress is not caused by doing too much; it’s caused by doing too little of what makes you feel most alive.
  • The lesson you struggle with will repeat itself until you’ve learned from it.
  • Never regret a day in your life. Good days give happiness. Bad days give experience. The worst days give lessons.
  • Be so confident in God’s plan (spirit or whatever you believe in) that you don’t get upset when things go wrong; it’s just life testing you.
  • -All of the above are by Alan watts

Have a blissful day.


Chawn Tate

Managing Director of Client Strategies-Emerald One LLC

3 个月

Michael Angelo!@



