For four years, I struggled to organize my thoughts. I had recently finished a course on Content Marketing with coursera and I knew that was it! I was so eager to write. Write what? You may ask, but back then it did not matter to me what I wrote, all I cared for was just to write.
Funny how many of us fall into this category. We pick up a passion and go for it without any fundamental knowledge of the metrics needed to excel in that particular passion. I hopped from one aspect of writing to another. I started a blog, at first I told myself that helping businesses gain visibility online was the thing for me. So I began to write for startups and post on my blog. It was so difficult to define what I actually stood for and what my brand was all about. Halfway, I was burnt out because I was trying so many things at the same time.
This article is for young aspirants who are passionate about one thing but are still trying to find a pathway that could help them express themselves better. So if you fall into this category, relax, we've all been there!
Here are a few things you should know.
Understand your passion and what it entails: Have you ever been in a chaotic state where you love a particular thing and you want to do that thing but you don't just know where to start from?
Well, the first step you should take is this, carry out an indepth study about your passion, find out if there are branches or aspects, know the differences in those aspects, pick out the one that best suits you and start from there. If you love to write like me, then start by researching about different types of writing, pursuing a course in the particular type that best sits well with you and start from there.
There are people who could be gurus in technical writing but who are currently struggling with creative writing, simply because they know little or nothing about other aspects of writing.
Narrow down your broad visions into an achievable scope: Let's say you want to be a singer, you also want to have a dance studio and you also love to act and at the same time you want to pursue a career choice in Engineering. It might be very difficult to achieve all these seperately since they are vast. so you could try streamlining everything into one thing. You could start by having a social media presence that explains everything about you. It could be something like #allaboutjohnniebrendan or #meettherealjohnnie.
My point is this, trying to portray only an aspect of you initially might not just confuse your audience but might end up confusing you as well. You won't want to constantly redefine yourself and remind yourself of your dreams and aspirations at every interval.
Don't forget this, there are times when achieving all your dreams will be pratically impossible and you might need to cut off some dreams along the way while focusing on the most achievable. Don't fret about this. It is a normal happening. Most of us have been there at one point or the other. I once wanted to be a TV presenter/Host and I also wanted to pursue a career in Music but currently, I am a content writer and I am loving what I do at the moment.
Define your brand: Branding goes beyond having a company name and a logo. I have seen so many people who feel they are representing their brand but who are at the end of the day, moving far away from what they think they are representing. So be sure that what you are currently doing represents what you stand for.
One step at a time: Don't try to walk before you've learnt how to crawl. as cliche as this statement may sound, it is very true. Some times after a few failed attempts, we tend to give up. Someone who taught me the power of perseverance and consistency is a movie character called Issa in the movie Insecure. She is one lady who continued in her path, no matter how hopeless it seemed till she was able to breakthrough. Most times we did not breakthrough because we were experts at what we did, we brokethrough because we consistently followed the path, step by step till we got to the top of the ladder.
Lastly, stand for what you believe in. Most times people might try to sway you into acting or thinking differently. But if you strongly believe that you will excel in a career choice you have chosen after so many moments of uncertainty, then by all means go for it!
I hope this was helpful