Finding the Cure for Loneliness and Isolation
It’s surprising to discover how many people today are suffering from loneliness. It’s like an epidemic of feeling abandoned, misunderstood or forgotten. This is particularly ironic because we’ve never enjoyed such widespread access to the rest of the planet, all at the touch of a button or the sweep of a finger across a digital screen. So, why are we experiencing these feelings of loneliness? The causes are complex and we need to avoid the temptation of jumping to conclusions and imagining that there’s a simple cure-all answer to the problem. But there are steps we can take to improve the situation and some of the remedies offer a range of benefits that extend far beyond the limits of finding a cure for loneliness.
One of the issues that’s deeply effecting the quality of life for millions of people is our addiction to social media. We are so completely distracted by this highly-addictive form of mass hypnosis that we don’t even realise that we are not in control of our thoughts and feelings. Our obsession with the fleeting images on our smartphones robs us of the gift of introspection. We have lost the art of awareness. We feel the unpredictable flow of our emotions without pausing to consider how we might change the nature and direction of our chaotic emotional energy. We’re so accustomed to reacting that we never consider that there might be alternatives. Mindfulness allows us to question whether our feelings are useful or helpful in supporting our inner peace and wellbeing. A simple moment of reflection allows us to enquire, for example, why we feel lonely or isolated. At a deeper level, we can ask ourselves who exactly is feeling lost, forgotten or overlooked. These simple questions unravel the twist of thoughts and feelings that bind us in our sense of helplessness. It’s a very powerful step towards taking back control of your emotional energy. It’s an invitation to understand who you really are beneath the superficial layers that account for your sense of personal identity.
You might also appreciate the usefulness of learning to be more comfortable with your own company. Are you surprised? Self-acceptance might be the latest mantra from the modern self-care movement but it offers deeper implications for our health and wellbeing. Being at ease with ourselves isn’t a substitute for enjoying the company of others. It’s a way to appreciate the gift of solitude and the luxury of peaceful introspection. Being at peace with yourself will make it much easier for you to be at peace with others. That precious state of inner peace, calm and equilibrium is a very attractive quality. You might find that people will seek you out in order to bask in the glow of your natural calm and your positive energy – a perfectly natural way to resolve the condition of loneliness both for yourself the individuals you encounter.