Finding The Courage To Accept What You’ve Been Called To Do
Kileha Holder
A Biznistry Strategist & Consultant helping Christian entrepreneurs and ministry leaders make a profitable impact personally ??, financially??and spiritually ??all 3 without sacrificing one for the other.
Welcome, to our Partner & Prosper with God Talk Show. Today we are addressing the issue of denying or avoiding doing what we’ve been called to do.?
In this video/newsletter we want to help you Find The Courage To Accept What You’ve Been Called To Do
Hi, my name is Kileha Holder. I am the Christ Equipping Officer of Faith In L.I.F.E and your, Spirit-Led coach and Business Strategist. I help Christian entrepreneurs launch, build and sustain their businesses in partnership with God and set it up to be profitable personally, financially and spiritually. All three without sacrificing one for the other.?
Before we dive into today's newsletter I want to invite you to sign up for our upcoming Partner & Prosper with God In Life & Business 10-Day Workshop where you will learn how to get into alignment with God, come into agreement with His vision for your life and accept your assignment for the season you are going into. You will walk away with a plan for your life and bisnistry that you co-created with the Trinity and the plans that God has for you are always planning to prosper you and for a brighter future. There are two ways to join us. On, for free inside our private Facebook group or upgrade to join us on Zoom plus other advantages.?????
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Have you ever been called out by your parent, teacher or boss and had a spotlight shine on you revealing something unique about you that no one else had??
Did it make you feel uncomfortable to have people look at you with certain expectations?
Did it make you feel like hiding??
Did it make you feel lonely because no one knew how to “relate” to you or shine bright in your presence?
I spent many years of my life trying not to stand out. I was the quietest person in the room. I was quick to do what I was told. I restrained myself from acting in such a way that would draw attention to myself.?
Because at five years old I wet myself, as in I went to the potty, at my desk in class instead of the bathroom. The teacher became aware of what I had done and called me up to the front of the class. I then proceeded to do a walk I am now terming a “shame walk” to go find some way to clean up my mess. I don’t recall if I went to get the janitor or get the mop. Either way, I recalled having to walk outside the classroom in my obviously wet uniform.?
Knowing what I know now I believed I made a silent vow to myself that I will never do anything to draw attention to myself and that included “negative” and “positive” it would seem. I never wanted the spotlight to be shined on me highlighting anything. I was content staying in the background.
But God!
But God has other plans for me that don’t allow me to stay hidden in the background but requires I step up and out and shine the glory of His light within me, outwardly into the world. And He has a plan for you that requires you to come out of hiding.?
However, you won’t have the courage to accept and do what you’ve been called to do until you accept WHO you’ve been called to BE.?
Jesus was bold because He accepted who God the Father called Him to BE and this led to Him being able to do what the Father called Him to do.?
We see this in John 14:6,7 & 9-11 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him. 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. 11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.”
In other words, the spirit of the Father lives in Jesus and Jesus lives in constant communion with the Father so they were one and the same. Similarly, we have the Holy Spirit living in us and we abide in Him when we are in constant communion and fellowship with Him. He releases the power in us to BE all that God has already called us to be if we let Him and not let Him be silenced by our own doubts, worries, fears or the voice of others.?
You may have been hiding who God created you to be for years even decades so stepping out to BE who God called you to BE so that you have the courage to DO what He’s called you to DO is NOT going to happen overnight. But here’s a strategy to help you in this journey of self-discovery and living boldly in your true identity in Christ.?
How To Boldly BE so you can boldly DO:
Right now for the next 10 days, we started yesterday, we are dedicating this time to go before the Lord to become aware of things, lies and people that are in our lives that are NOT serving us and His purpose for us. We are taking time to be mindful of the fruit of the Spirit God wants to sow into us and have us sow into others. We are intentionally being still to listen to hear His still voice to receive His guidance and direction for our life and bisnistry. So that 2023 can become our NEXT best year not just for us but for the people we are called to serve. Would you like to join us? If so the link to join us is in the description of this video.?