Finding Common Ground
Given our current political climate, I thought I’d go back into the vaults and re-create this little gem from a few years ago…
In today’s social and political climate, where it’s easier than ever to find news that proves us right and others wrong, it seems harder than ever to share differing ideas.
It’s as if we don’t need (or want) to listen to differing viewpoints. We know we’re right and we have the news to back it up. So, why change our mind when we can dig in?
It’s almost like we forgot how to learn from each other. And if you ask me, right now, we need to put our heads together and come together something fierce!
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Every man I meet is superior to me in some way. In that, I learn from him.”
Wait, what? We can learn from anyone? Where’s Waldo when we need him!?
The other day, I was having a conversation with a close friend. We have differing opinions on most topics, but we were able to converse and find common ground. We both listened, spoke, and considered the other side. It was an amazing conversation because we had one thing in common:
We were willing to listen with an open mind.
I don’t know that anyone did a complete 180 with their belief systems, but what I do know is that when the conversation was over, I felt more informed and less angry.
Now, I’m not here to take any sides (politically), but I am choosing to take the side of open and respectful communication. I believe this is the answer to many of the social issues we face today.
I truly believe that every person on this Earth has something to teach me. I may not agree with everything they say, but I can still listen to them and treat them with respect. And I always know that I have the freedom to draw my own conclusions after taking in their viewpoints.
Who’s with me!?
“Waldo” is long gone, but his words remain as true today as they were when he first uttered them.
So today, I would like to pose a question:
Who are you trying to convince? What might happen if you chose to listen, learn, understand, and only then, after you consider their point of view, begin to share your side?
Just a little thought for us all on this fine Tuesday morning…
Here’s to your journey in our world, my friend! Make it a great Tuesday and I will talk with you soon.