Finding Certainty in Uncertain Times
Life as we know it has changed dramatically over the last couple of months. School closures turned our dining rooms into classrooms. Our kitchens have been utilized more than ever with stay at home orders and restaurant closures. And business has been done almost strictly electronically, foregoing handshakes.
Manufacturers have also had to change the way they are doing things. Some are completely changing their production lines to make essential personal protective equipment. Some have experienced a steep decline in goods, so are having to reduce or halt production. Others have experienced demands like never before. For these manufacturers, it is critical that their production lines and equipment, like industrial motors, function properly.
Industrial motors play a significant role in the industrial process. They are the key equipment behind the scenes for products that we buy every day. For example, when you go to the grocery store, motors handled the grains that produced the bread for your sandwiches. Motors are also key to the industrial process that ultimately produced the toilet paper that has been so difficult to find. The gas that you purchase for your vehicles was refined by motors. And when you turn your faucet on and expect water to flow, a motor helped get that water treated to provide you with clean water.
Needless to say, there is so much more to manufacturing our day-to-day products that we don’t often think about or know about. Siemens is a trusted partner to many manufacturers to ensure that consumers have the products they need. During these difficult times, our company remains committed to serving our community by making sure grocery store shelves are filled and critical infrastructure like water stays running, all while ensuring and maintaining employee safety.