Finding Calm in Your Deeper Mind.
Do you ever take time during the day to find a calmer, more relaxed state of mind? Meditation is a vital tool for training the mind and body to relax but, if you feel you don't have time during the day to meditate, you might try a mini-meditation that only takes a few minutes.
I first came across the technique in India but was pleasantly surprised many years later when one of my mentors suggested the same method as a way of re-focusing the mind. It's simply a matter of sitting quietly, breathing more deeply and more slowly, relaxing your neck, back and shoulder muscles and bringing your attention to a fixed point. Perhaps a simple picture or image can act as a focal point, allowing you to concentrate on the present moment, releasing the stresses and tensions of the day, bringing your awareness to a deeper state of calm, renewing your energy and stabilising your emotions.
Practising this simple technique only requires a minute or two but it is so easy to incorporate into your daily routine that you can use it every hour of the day to regain your natural balance and equilibrium. The benefits will filter into every aspect of your life. As you release the reflexive attitudes of stress and tension, your perspective changes and you re-engage your creativity. The subconscious whispers gently and offers profound insights into your circumstances. Your deeper mind lends its weight to your efforts. Your confidence emerges from the shadows of stress and you begin to understand that you really can take care of everything.