Finding Bliss when Life is knocking you down
Discovering creating and living your bliss

Finding Bliss when Life is knocking you down

In this article - you will learn the following

 -         16 signs of being in the state of bliss - add whenever you find other signs when you are feeling blissful and blessed

-         28 actions on how to proactively discover your bliss - How to understand, know, identify and experience your bliss

  • 64 Ways on how to create your bliss

Anybody can feel blissful - when things are all going well in every respect - in your as well as in the lives of your loved ones.

But the real trick - when things are not great and - then you live life - without letting the hard-knocks break-you-down - Instead you face them, take actions to overcome them and live with Bliss.

We experience and discover our bliss - when we are doing what makes us come alive - most blissful and happy people in this world are those who are living their passions.

 Many successful people become successful not because they are chasing money - but because - they get immersed and involved in the positive feelings - they get from what they enjoy doing.

 16 signs of being in the state of bliss - add whenever you find other signs while experiencing and feeling blissful and blessed

1.      You feel as if you are making meaningful contributions and powerful-positive-difference to the world good.

2.      You filled with energy, hope, positivity and enthusiasm

3.      You are excited about your future - because you are working on your goals

4.      You feel exceptionally creative and able to find solutions those are simple yet practical

5.      You are playful and joyful - you smile and greet even strangers

6.      You can see a clear way-forward and have sense of direction and purpose in your life

7.      You feel that you are living a worthwhile and meaningful life

8.      You are curious and have insatiable urge to learn

9.      You want to leave a powerful legacy

28 actions on how to proactively discover your bliss - How to understand, know, identify and experience your bliss - There is really no deep magic in finding your bliss - it is only a matter of taking time for connecting with yourself - exploring, reflecting, reviewing and recording - what brought you joys in the past and what gives you hopes now

1.      The very first step would be to get in touch with the real you - and this can only happen when you are listening to your heart and follow what it says

2.      Of-course - this sounds simple - but it will take lots on concentrated and focused efforts - to discover the real authentic you

3.      You have to sit quietly - introspect and meditate - to ask ourselves questions given later in this article

4.      Getting the answers in one go is not possible - as initially - your powerful and dominating conscious will be responding through your ego and perceived self-image

5.      We need to ask ourselves these questions - then sleep-over it and then again ask the same question again

6.      After we feel we are not getting any further and very-different answers - then we need to focus on all the WHYs - why we love doing this, why this makes us feel great and alive, when all we have felt and experienced this bliss in the past

7.      After this you need to work on to create changes in your environment, your working-style, your attitude, your mindset, your beliefs, your habits and your routine - to fine-tune with our bliss factors and drivers

8.      Bliss happens -when we focus on the most meaningful and worthwhile pursuits those which are closest to our heart and being

9.      And then we work on to improve them and create the conducing-supportive environment and others factors

10.   Bliss is living your life every day in such a way that makes you feel good about yourself.

64 Ways on how to create your bliss

1.      Stop spending massive amounts of your time, energies, efforts and maybe money on doing things and on things that you don’t love and have very less value

2.      You have to slowly bring your life to a stage where you do more of what you love and less of what you dislike

3.      Forget what others think of you - blissfully happy people know that learning to ignore other people’s opinion of you is the way to achieve the extra-ordinary in life

4.      Get used to being uncomfortable, stretching yourself beyond your present limits and taking actions in the area that makes you scared but is essential

5.      Stick your neck out - take well-thought of risks by putting yourself out there

6.      Share your journey of discovery and finding of your bliss

7.      Understand that practicing wrong ways of going about your pursuit of happiness may harm you more than it benefits

8.      Focus on creating strong bonding and understanding in your close relationships - deepen and broaden your relationships

9.      Avoid basing your happiness to the losing-war of - thinking I will be happy when………… [fill with anything that you are connecting with your happiness] - this perfect moment never ever arrives for anyone - except in the movies and the fairy-tale novels 

For full article - please read "Discovering creating and living your bliss" in the blog section of Success Unlimited Mantra link is in the 1st comment

Subhashis Banerji

#OvercomePersonalChallenges #EffectiveBusinessSolutions, #EffectivelyHandleCriticalLifeissues, #ResultsFocusedSolution, #OvercomeBusinessChallenges, #SimplePracticalDisruptiveSolutions, #MentoringCoachingCounseling

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