Finding a Balanced Perspective

Finding a Balanced Perspective

Several aspects of the corporate world day in and day out require one to make choices, whether from a worker's, candidate's, or employer's standpoint. From adopting new technologies and processes, accepting a new job offer, or changing your work schedule, the key to making a decision that makes you feel secure is to inform yourself beforehand about the pros and cons of your selection.

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll address some common dilemmas related to the different protagonists in the labor market.

Working from home

Although many companies have started calling their employees back to the office since last year, many employers still offer remote work as a corporate perk to their current and potential workers.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced organizations to transition into this way of working to keep operating. At the same time, some companies argue their results were undermined during those times; other employers, such as gpac, realized operations could still run with improved productivity, so they’ve gone fully remote even a few years after the shutdown.

But how do employees feel about transitioning from the office to a remote environment? While the younger generations feel more comfortable and even demand to continue working like this, some workforce sectors are uncertain about how they’ll perform from home.

Even though there are major benefits to improving your work-life balance and spending more time with your family, here are some downsides you should consider before making your final choice.

  • Dependency on technology
  • Possibility of a blurred work schedule
  • Isolation
  • Proper remote onboarding

If you want to check the complete list of advantages and disadvantages, as well as other important aspects to weigh in for your decision-making, read the following article in our blog.

Working on commissions

Commission-based roles are exciting and challenging. They offer unlimited earning potential and the ability to manage one's own schedule and client portfolio. Nevertheless, in order to access this kind of benefits, you need a strong inner drive and a high-achieving mindset.

But what exactly does it mean to work for commissions? The short answer is that your earnings depend directly on your performance. Diving into the details means you’ll earn every time you generate revenue for your company, whether selling a product or service, closing a deal, or meeting a milestone on productivity.

Although this payment method is mainly related to sales roles, other positions with commission plans include recruiters, real estate agents, freelancers, and contractors. Here are some of the most common commission compensation structures.

  • Salary + commission
  • Only commission
  • Draw against commission
  • Bonus commissions

Truthfully, as good as it sounds, working on commission is far from being a bed of roses. You must consider income fluctuations, competitive work environments, and limited job security. So, before making a final call about shifting to a commission-based role, be aware of the big picture.

Check out the following blog post in our Knowledge Center for more insight into the ups and downs of working on commission.

Adopting AI in the Workplace

For employers, one of today’s most common dilemmas is whether implementing Artificial Intelligence technologies in their daily processes can improve their productivity and results. The idea of having a powerful tool that can reduce the burden of repetitive tasks and reduce delivery times is highly attractive for many companies, but what are the actual monetary and operational costs?

On top of automating processes, enhancing decision-making, and optimizing workflows, AI has impacted several industries by powering improved chatbots, virtual assistants, and Generative AI tools, perfecting data-driven decisions and recommendations, and developing automated hiring and resume-screening platforms.

If some of these applications sound useful for your company, here are some benefits you’ll experience by adopting them in your workplace:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Scalability for new projects
  • Improved decision-making

From a counter perspective, if the conditions at your company are not in place to adopt Artificial Intelligence, it could affect some aspects of your workplace. Here are some cons you should keep in mind before making a final decision:

  • Lack of human creativity & judgment
  • AI bias & ethical concerns
  • System failures

In the following article, you’ll learn more about the ins and outs of using AI to power your processes and other aspects to keep in mind.

Remember you can get more career or company decision-making insight in our corporate blog, The Knowledge Center.

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Julio Humberto Andaur Moya

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