Finding the answer, we have gone and done it, turned this thing around

Finding the answer, we have gone and done it, turned this thing around

I’ve come across some rather interesting ideas lately, which when given a moment’s thought leaves you going, huh? Some clarification decidedly is in order.? We are told that the illusion of separation was created by the veils of a 3D existence… the veils of oblivion, that is forgetfulness of all previous lives prior to this existence, (we take that on faith LOL) which created an exaggerated attachment to man, matter and things. Quite understandable since that is all you know, with the ego an indispensable faculty to identify the self. Even spirits have identities! ?Freud complicated things a bit with the ego, being the decisionmaker between the Id and the Superego, or the animalistic nature and the choice to conform or not to societal conventions, respectively.? The ego which simply means “I” is viewed by some with tentative approval perhaps because of the challenges that arise from an excessive attachment to “I, me, or mine” or what might be known as egocentricity. Sadly, we are seeing those challenges on the world stage… they haven't quite learned to play nicely on the playground still. Unless we are able to respect our differences, our territories and our independence, the endgame is extinction by our own doing.? This is graduate level stuff, not kindergarten. LOL Currently there’s a dichotomy of sorts, as on the one hand there is much mayhem, but on the other there are those of us who have managed despite all odds to keep our wits about us, a bit of love in our hearts and kindness in our pockets which we dispense at opportune times. So no, the situation,as insane as it appears, is being balanced by a more elevated way of thinking and being. Kudos guys!

Now apparently some people would like us to have less attachment to our world, our physical form and our things which they’ve been taking systematically for years, even our life force. I had one such encounter recently. Truly nightmarish…? So lately there have been excessive attempts to confuse gender, sexual orientation, normalize aberrant sexual preference and blur the understanding of truth. Actually, I think all those things happened right after the exit from the garden and those exo-terrestrials showed up and started mating with humans!? That didn’t go so well, the David and Goliath story. But this is nothing new, merely cyclical.? The problem with blurring the issues is this ultimately robs of self governance.? If one doesn’t even know who they are (human or animal), or are negatively viewed for very normal species-specific traits (curiosity, free will, independence), while quite bizarre behaviors are normalized, (the list is too big to mention), then it’s bedlam. You are more easily controlled when confused. So it’s time we got to thinking clearly and decided our present and future.

I don’t quite understand why anyone would want to be in a 3D world but I suppose that is a matter of energetics.? To move from a 3D world to a 5D one involves evolving to a higher level of consciousness or frequency, as frequency embodies knowledge. The goal now is to move from a sense of separation to one of unity and connectedness with all of creation and for that matter beyond, as what we do has ripples far and wide. Of course the idea is not to lose oneself physically and merge energetically with others, that’s called theft!? You can only reap what YOU sow and we don’t all go to the same place in the great beyond. LOL That too is determined by frequency, none of which you can steal successfully. It isn’t salvation by proxy or graduate by association.? Even non-terrestrials have identities and they too have discretely different roles and talents. I don’t suppose they would consider those residual apparati of the ego. LOL They are recognized, affirmed and assigned projects accordingly. Clearly everyone is in a different vibration, whether terrestrial or otherwise, such that chronology does not necessarily define the way one looks or operates, as that is determined by their sapience. But not to worry, gratitude, love, joy, peace are still the keys to the kingdom. ???

As fractals of source, we are replicas in holographic form and thus co-creators of our reality via our thoughts and actions. The plants, animals and all matter are a re-presentation of ourselves in other life forms. Of course all these were created before we were, according to the creation story, simply named by us.? But then all the stories appear to be “PRETEND” except we didn’t find out until many years into this mad experiment. Unlike the initial scenario of lordship over all things however, which has been managed rather badly due to the intrusion of uninvited visitors tearing up the place, it is compassionate and respectful coexistence, not competition or domination that is needed. Why (?) because everything is a representation of ourselves.? There are lower energies that will keep you tethered to a world of war. In fact, that is the defining characteristic of a 3D world which so far as energies go, is not very far up the ladder. LOL? It has been a horrific school of learning where unethical experiments are regularly carried out and energies harvested by the puppeteers via pandemics, natural disasters, economic crashes etc. anything that creates fear.

Fear you see is a great way of harvesting energy. The frequency that you emit is quite useful to those who have lost their souls and exist merely as predators. Clearly they aren’t very bright since seeking a transhumanist agenda would also rob of such energies, as humans would for all practical purposes become automated. Now recently I was looking at the fruit I eat and realized, they all have pretty decent BOUNDARIES.? I mean tangerines are wrapped twice, individual pegs encased in a pretty sturdy wrapping.? Pineapples are pretty formidable (LoL), no chewing through that skin. On the other hand, blueberries, grapes, strawberries, peaches, plums are ready for consumption right away. It seems fruit are immersed in getting their seeds dispersed (LOL) for their main purpose is reproduction.? Aren’t you glad? Unlike antinatalism which views procreation as morally wrong, as various religious traditions endorse due to our unfortunate arrival into a very abysmal world.? Do a quick check on Wiki of antinatalism, a rather fascinating topic. Now it turns out, according to “Frontiers for Young Minds”, fruits are the mature and ripened ovaries of flowers. Wha’d’ya’know… LOL??

I am beginning to agree with the antinatalist view since I would very much have been quite happy to have skipped earth.? The jolt has been rather shocking to the sensibilities. Help has been solicited but none so far…at least not in the way that provides a home. But thank you to all the individuals who have been supportive and kind.? I know of no family members who have ever been homeless. I certainly didn’t lack a home growing up, furthermore had gotten enough schooling to adequately equip for a job, and worked for some time until Dad passed. Then everything changed. You would be shocked at the lengths to which one will go to remove what they perceive as a threat to their position. On several occasions, my mother, who was addicted to pharmaceutical products, had me hospitalized for no justifiable reason. Once for an election, to ensure no rivals, another for a friend she disapproved of, another for violence by a tech repair guy which I reported and which ticked her off.? That earned me a week in a psych ward where I was pumped full of drugs against my will and then threatened by the psychiatrist (Patrick Pinchinat) who should have his license pulled, to have me committed if I didn’t call my mother who was the source of this violence. I was released as even in my drugged state I was able to write to the court regarding the insanity. In spite of filing a complaint with the Department of Health, no action was taken or redress provided.? But what I have shared with you guys over the years has come at great cost and without being melodramatic, I will die soon if a solution isn’t gotten. A car is not a home. This is way beyond my skill set or emotional endurance. No more articles of fun, fruit, and fact, about this silly 3D world. I mean why would parents have kids that even as adults they try to control, rob of a life, while claiming their contributions? I mean it’s a way to cheat the system but by cheating your own offspring?! Whatever happened to free will?! It turns out they would like you to stay a child forever, but in the biblical narrative, the child grew up much like this one and became a rather formidable human.

I can’t quite for the life of me figure out why a set of parents would be allowed to create a world for play, experimentation, and learning with such unscrupulous rules. First off, the stories are all made up, the systems are run by the parents playing deceptive roles. Nepotism is the norm unless you are the family fall guy. In other words it seems the child’s task was to not just discover the tricks, lies and dishonesty but find a solution. ?My god, what a game!? Well guess what. I did. The problem is that those typecast as a child, are actually treated as a child.? You wouldn’t believe the nightmare. In this case, no home, no job, or when so, treated very badly,? no support, made ill, robbed of most material possessions, at times harmed for the things one eats, posts, or pursues (e.g. school) etc. since they are into micromanaging things. ?For them, it is a high energy yield. But this is theft, abuse, neglect and total irresponsibility, an extreme form of violence and they, masters of illusion or so they think. To you they would look like upstanding citizens. Think The Hunger Games. Unless something is done to stop this, life is over.? They are really quite determined. And you learn that your family is not biological but rather the ones you choose.

Now back to the topic of boundaries, it seems that although fruit are quite capable of protecting themselves, either by their allure or by thick skins, LOL, humans aren’t always aware of interpersonal invasion. It seems most things, if not all, are vying for your attention which, when they have succeeded, have also harnessed your energies.? Some people are simply conveying ideas, support, or information and are not seeking to control you. But others have a feast with instilling fear, guilt, deceit, criticism, indifference, stratification, never taking no for an answer, which entirely violates your will. Then as they are replete throughout the decision making echelon, you never get any remedial help to your circumstance.? It’s as though they decided you would be abandoned, merely used for their benefit, and left to die.? For folks claiming virtues of any sort, this is not only abominable but hollow. Child sacrifice is unacceptable!? Furthermore they now say, our insistence on free will and sovereignty is defiance.? Apparently they forgot about divine right.

Such has been carried out by adults for decades as clearly they have lost their hearts. Unless we choose a spiritual versus a technological evolution, we’re doomed. Of course, they will tell you, if you got your vibrational frequency high enough, you would have everything you want, the only problem is their interference. This has been a deliberate and sustained assault for decades. In this energy war, religion is the poster child. The way that works is, you give God your energy, he gives you idle promises all the while telling you he can do anything, just give him time. Well for some folks their whole lives were a nightmare. What lessons are to be learned from all that?!? Their experiences such as my own were undeserved.? They merely got caught in the war of power and control.? Earth is built on the notion of vicarious salvation but this is not the way it works. Destroying the good to save the “not so good” is not a good idea! ?Each person will be evaluated based on their deeds, not another’s. So if all recognized our immense capacities for turning this human experience inside out just by the superpowers aforementioned: gratitude, love, kindness, and joy, we would fix our world. I am not for a moment suggesting that we overlook the problems, but that we don’t allow them to be?our emotional thermostat. Feel, deal, and let it go. That is especially necessary to prevent an aggregate effect which could be destabilizing.

When I came to this country years ago, I hadn’t a clue what it was about.? Now I see that behind the virtuous ideals of a country where men and women are free, is the unrelenting culling of energies that all systems now in free fall were designed to exploit. The most recent example, a pandemic which though a rather costly lesson, opened our eyes and pushed us out of a false norm so we could create something new.? What have we learned from the experience?? The body gives us an apt lesson of how to deal with intrusion.? It doesn’t give you second chances or you would not be alive today.? It takes seriously its job of keeping you safe and well. Apoptosis happens regularly. Likewise we must take seriously the age of supercomputers, 5g, social credit scores, vaccine passports or we will lose our liberties. This is not a joke, folks.

Now what did we learn from the pandemic:

  • Everyone has to be willing to share data re:cases of new illness, mortality stats etc.
  • There needs to be collaboration between scientists.
  • A moratorium on gain of function experiments perhaps.
  • Medicines should be created and tested in advance given that COV-19 is a strain of the FLU. Nothing on the fly without lack of clinical trials and proven success. That seems a good principle for all biological strains.
  • Crisis measures/remedies should be apportioned to cover all countries whether huge or small GDP. We share a world and ultimately are each other’s immunity.
  • Protective measures need to be taken at wet markets via market trade regulations to protect against increased exposure.
  • Protective measures need to be taken at labs to prevent this sort of thing.
  • Destruction of forests not only diminishes air quality but brings animals closer, in an attempt to forage for food and habitat.
  • Buy locally and develop such markets.
  • Eating more plants than animals wouldn't hurt.?
  • Of course it has always been in vogue to wash your hands and keep colonization at bay via healthy lifestyle practices.

So to wrap this up, the child has won the game and needs to be rewarded fully as the adult that she now is. She deserves a home. Things may seem out of hand but only if you take no action. You are the answer but you must do this for you; that is the only sustainable method.? If you, like myself, are willing to connect with your world in ways that are now rare, but once upon a time quite common, via random acts of kindness, in letters to your statesmen, in participative government, we will soon take back what was stolen by this ruse of addled characters, and the loving community we recall living in not so long ago might be restored.

The world is malleable, be the difference,





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