Finder of Lost Plants
Many items fall out of boxes. Why free weights which are metal and heavy are sent in flimsy cardboard, I'll never know. Since the pandemic there have been many plants sent to residences.
This is a foolish way to deliver a plant. What is in the sleeve? A plant. What surrounds a plant? Dirt. Plants are not kept upright through the entire process. I have seen many trails of dirt on the conveyor belt.
On the first day on my new detail a sleeve came down the belt with no plant. How could they have been separated? Sometimes items fall out of boxes. At the end of today's shift I noticed a half full box of Five Hour Energy. A few more came down the belt. Not the full forty-eight.
Lest you think no one buys magazines; boxes of magazines going to supermarkets break open. The contents are heavier than the cheap cardboard they were shipped in.
A box of Christmas cards came open. Target uses some of the chintziest boxes. So much fell out it frustrated a supervisor. He asked if I could take it to the area where articles are checked and at best; everything is there and they can be delivered.
I carried the plant sleeve to that section as well. After passing overgoods, the section where items that fall out of boxes go; what did I see except a plant. Some of the supervisors talked about this random plant. How was it going to be delivered?
Well, I happened to talk about how strange it was to receive an empty plant sleeve. They thought it was odd to find a stray plant. I reunited them and the delivery was made. It was a good end to the week.
Management does not like when we pay attention to our surroundings. Some are worker bees. I aspire to something greater. Seeing the two needed elements- the plant was reunited with its address on the sleeve and the customer never knew how close it came to being thrown away. We have nowhere to plant it in our industrial area so let it go to the person who ordered it.