Find YourSelf ?
YOUR CURRENT POSITION-where are you know? What do you want to change in your current situation? Are you detached from your life? Are you have trouble with identification with yourself? Those are very important steps in the beginning.
WHAT DO YOU WANT?-you want to find yourself, but you know where you are, and you want to understand yourself but you really can understand yourself, but you don’t understand how to create a better life and reconciliation of your expectations, reality, and yourself. Your future is very important, where do you want to go, who you want to be, what do you want to achieve.
SELF-IMAGE-this is how you really see yourself and how you evaluate your personality. If you have a bad self-image you will be unsatisfied with your life, so this is something that you need to improve. What is self-image? Self-image is your life script, you live, work, think, behave by the rules of your script. You can confirm or change your script, it’s up to you. When you start that change all your activities following your change in all life fields. You need to be aware of your self-image or you will live the same life day by day. If you have a bad self-image you will be unconfident, and unwilling to try anything. Work on your self-image, and readjust it to be fluid, flexible, and adjustable.
CONSISTENCE, CONTINUITY, DAILY DISCIPLINE-if you want to do anything that needs to be consistent with your personality or with your values, or you will just lose your time and energy achieving nothing. Finding yourself is a long process, and you need to work each day until you change yourself and after that, you need to continue with that lifestyle of you will step back in your past position and situation. Each day should be organized, you need to know what do you want to do, when, and how. A schedule is a good tool, and you will know what you need to do when you look at your daily obligation. This is the way to build discipline, without a schedule you can’t be disciplined and hardly you can change yourself because that is a long and ongoing process.
To find yourself is to be yourself. To be yourself is to be who you are while paying attention to how you are being and/or how you just were being. The self is an idea of the mind, mostly protected by it, thereby developing personality traits in an effort to give you meaning. The mind protects you by helping to give you a personality that you like, perhaps more outgoing, but also may cause you to be limited in this, more shy and introverted. To know that this is even existing, we have to pay attention to how we behave, think, and feel. Easier said then done, but is truly the only way to know more about ourselves, and essentially find ourselves.
Therefore, this is a journey, and our personality may change. As we get to know more about what is comfortable for us and uncomfortable, we get to see aspects of how our mind is interpreting. This is neither to reject or deny but rather to be aware of. There is nothing wrong with any of this, nothing to judge, it’s our interpretation. However, if we find that there are aspects of us, that we are struggling with, then rather to want to change this, we must grow with it. Accepting wherever we are at in life and allow ourselves to be uncomfortable, to then expose ourselves at our own pace to more of this experience in an effort to be ok with it all, instead of denying, pretending, or not really being true to ourselves.
The one thing that will point you into the right direction, is to realize if you are trying to be accepted, right, or liked by others. This isn’t to just be anyway you’d like, we must realize if we have an open heart and self acceptance for ourselves on a loving level. Even if you struggle with anything, this is your struggle. Usually we spend time fighting with ourselves, when we need to be ok with who we are where we are in life with all of this. As we move through this life, notice if you are trying to be liked or good enough for anyone. Of course these things feel good, but many times we may be someone where not, or we become someone that has skills and abilities, meanwhile we’re not the happiest person, our hearts aren’t open, and we think it is but it’s not. Love for ourselves is the single most important thing you could ever search for and have for yourself.
So, notice when your love for yourself struggles:
All of this is in an effort to realize our struggle. But, if we knew love for ourselves, or had love for ourselves, then this stuff wouldn’t exist or it would start to fade away, as the only reason most of it occurs is because we’re struggling with ourselves. We then don’t realize we’re missing our own love, don’t understand how that makes any sense, as we do know love, right? It’s like saying, we can all agree that the sun is bright. Not able to realize we all have a different perspective and interpretation of pretty much everything, is the problem. We all have different experiences that give us our interpretations.
Get to know and experience love for yourself??, more than you already know, and your life will not only change for the better, but you will realize who you are. Understanding will follow. How could anyone understand something they don’t know much about? Knowing more about yourself comes first, and maybe understanding isn’t necessary, but knowing comes first.