Find Your 'Why'
Hitesh Patel
Founder | Middle Market Exec Search & Exec-Led Platform Creation | Partnering with PE Firms & Family Offices
"He who has a Why can bear almost any How." – Friedrich Nietzsche
In the toughest of times, it's the 'why' that fuels our resilience and pushes us through. This is a powerful reminder that with a strong sense of purpose, we can endure and overcome life's most challenging times and obstacles.
Science Behind Purpose
Psychological research shows the profound impact of having a purpose on our mental and physical health. Studies show that individuals with a clear sense of purpose are not only more resilient in the face of adversity but also have better overall health. The connection between purpose, resilience, and health is a testament to Nietzsche's quote, highlighting how a strong sense of 'why' equips us to navigate any 'how' of life.
?? Sources & Articles:
If you find your 'why,' you give yourself a guiding light.
If you give yourself a guiding light, you push through life's toughest challenges.
If you push through life's toughest challenges, you grow and build self-confidence.
This growth and self-confidence teach you the power of resilience and adaptability.
As you adapt, you not only navigate life's ups and downs easier but realize you are stronger than you think -- way stronger. You develop a growth mindset.
Our ability to endure, adapt, and thrive is directly linked to our sense of purpose. It's this purpose that guides us, motivates us, and gives meaning to our responsibilities and struggles, and keeps us going.
Keep Moving Forward
My own journey has been shaped by my 'why'— from starting and navigating the challenges of running a business, to changing my lifestyle for the better these past few years, to embracing the commitment of being a good husband, father, family member, friend, teammate, leader and human being.
In business, my 'why' has been key. It has allowed me to leave my stable career and start my own company with no safety net. Once in business, it has allowed me to push through many challenging times, many that seemed too big to overcome. Partner buyouts, financial constraints, a pandemic, and many many uncertain times. "Faith is believing it will happen when there are no signs it will happen." I just kept and keep telling myself to surround myself with good people, focus on the task at hand, do it well, keep moving forward, and amazing will happen. And it has. From a shy, low self-esteem, low self-confidence kid back in the day to being where I am today, I could not have imagined. It's feels great to be over 7 years in having overcome many of these challenges, and our team continues to push through. We have gotten here with no initial investment, strictly on cash flow, solid teamwork, a shared vision, battling through rejections, grit, sacrifice, hard work, and most importantly, believing 'it' will happen.
It's this belief, faith, purpose that has guided me through uncertain times and fueled my growth both personally and professionally. Recognizing the value of adaptability, resilience, and purpose has been a game-changer for me, reinforcing the idea that strength is our ability to adapt and find meaning in our experiences. It allows us to push through and keep moving forward, no matter what.
Ikigai: Find Your Why
The Japanese philosophy of Ikigai is always top of mind. Ikigai is at the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what you can be paid for and what the world needs. It's a guiding light for aligning your actions with your purpose, leading to satisfaction and meaning.
To find your Ikigai, consider these four questions:
Finding your Ikigai isn't just about your career, it's about discovering a sense of purpose that covers all facets of your life. It encourages a balance in life leading to joy, resilience and meaning.
Incorporating Ikigai into our lives challenges us to think deeply about our ourselves - our values, interests, and skills - creating a life filled with purpose. It's about finding joy and fulfillment in the everyday, fueling our resilience and adaptability with a clear sense of direction.
To dive deeper into Ikigai and how to find your 'why,' I highly recommend "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles. This book provides readers with practical advice on navigating their path to a purposeful life.
Another book that has had a significant impact on me is "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. Frankl dives deep into human emotions and what drives us to push through life's most difficult challenges. Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, explores the importance of finding purpose in life, even in the most brutal conditions. His insights into resilience and the power of purpose as a reason to endure tough times are both enlightening and inspiring. This is a must book for everyone.
???? Audible Links:
Discovering and embracing our 'why' transforms our approach to life, enabling us to bear almost any 'how.'
Purpose Behind This Newsletter:
Frequency of Posts:
LinkedIn has you pick frequency (daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly) of posts when creating a newsletter, however, I'm not sure I'll be following one of these options. I'll simply be posting when I feel like it. This is a passion project with no time constraints or pressure.
To all who have subscribed and / or taken the time to read my articles, thank you, I appreciate it.
#Why #Purpose #Ikigai #KeepMovingForward #WaitForAmazing