Find Your Way
Your forward motion will be based on how well you grasp the details. Following thru and diving in towards a real understanding will capture the essence of how far you are able to go. You will have setbacks and yes, people will call you out on certain aspects of what you are doing.They do not define you, yet there seems to be an unbalanced view on the influence they have in our lives. The scope of the destiny is crafted by a determination to stay focused even during the valley moments. Your best is not someone else’s best yet there is a tendency to allow too much insight towards what they say rather than what we do. There is not always going to be a balance in what seems fair because we are on different levels. Acceptance of who you are is vital towards any hope of a better outcome. The wall seems to smash one’s hopes and dreams yet, all it takes is the right door to open up a new world of possibility. The difficulty associated with this notion is that we alone cannot pick the door. Many times we attempt to go thru a door designed for someone else and are disappointed if the door is locked. Worse yet, we walk thru and discover the result is not what we thought it would be. We get frustrated in thoughts filled with regret while opportunities intended for us slip by because we were not watchful or open to the possibilities. The cycle continues yet we remain hesitant to stop or alter the flow. We simply continue going around and around even while saying that things will get better someday. Deep down, we really don’t agree with that because One Day never seems to appear at the doorstep. What an unfortunate existence if the potential and promise gives way to mediocrity. It doesn’t have to be that way, yet if the same path is followed using the same perspective and habits, the same outcome will remain the same.
So, what do I do? The current journey is not fulfilling. There is no meaning or enjoyment and everything is just a waste of time. Well, unless and until we make a decision that we are tired of the current way, a necessary change will not begin. Until we say Enough is Enough and start to do something differently, we will run into the same wall. Until we tell ourselves that Some-Day become To-Day, our attitude will continue to say No-Way. The moment associated with the present is all that matters towards the impact we have on our lives and the success of our situation. We are not defined by our mistakes nor is the final analysis based on our past. It is the right now experience that has everything to do with how we are able to overcome. Name one obstacle that you failed at when you refushed to give up. None, I would submit. Perhaps the outcome was not what you intended but you created a staying power because you remained standing until the end. So it is right now in this moment. You have authority over your situation as you lead the charge towards a better way. Do not bow down or submit to the temptation of giving up. For it is in this lens that you cross over the finish line that has alluded you to this point. This is called moving into your destiny. One step at a time, one challenge at a time, and one obstacle at a time.
You have got this. Yes, you know this but perhaps you simply needed someone to stand in agreement. Get back in the trenches and handle your business!