Find your “Success Coach” and become Wealthy ! - by
Dave Klaybor
Dave Klaybor
SEEK to: Merge/Partner/Buy a FAILING Company to ReBuild/ Rescue/ Save .. Dave is retired now but is BORED and may come back to help 1 last operation
this article could change your life .. ;)
David Klaybor’s Direct Sales Industry ... Secret #8
Find your “Success Coach” and become Wealthy !
- by Captain Dave - -
If you wish to move from being one of the underpaid / overworked 80 %’ers… into becoming once of the higher paid 20%’ers… then you are most likely going to need someone who is really talented, moral and smart looking out for you. You need a teacher, a mentor, a “Success Coach”! Like a tennis player who is smart enough to hire a tennis coach to guide the athlete to the professional ranks, perhaps it is time for you to consider seeking out a mentor who’ll make you do all the things you’ve always wanted to do in your NWMing business, but never seemed to do.
Think about it. A Success Coach is suppose to be there to pick you up when you fall and get a bloody-nose. The military calls this the “Buddy System”... AA uses the Sponsor / Sponsoree relationship much like Jenny Craig and Weight watchers use this same type of person-to-person system to help people reach their goals. It all boils down to the fact that people are fragile human beings and need constant support/reinforcement… (or, perhaps an occasional kick in the butt?).
It is normal for all individuals like you and me to get “off-track” from time-to-time. We’re prone to procrastinate, hesitate, stall, become lazy, and whining about the problems in our lives. So while these human traits are natural in all individuals, these negative traits are certainly NOT going to promote an entrepreneur’s desire to reach financial independence.
A “Success Coach” is suppose to act like an “insurance policy” for every Network Marketer who is lucky enough to acquire a good one. A Success Coach is much like your mother or Athletic Coach who demanded higher standards from your performance… your SC is sometimes a hard-nosed person who might be a butt-kicker who’s always looking over your shoulder and holding you ACCOUNTABLE to take the action required to reach your dreams.
What makes Captain Dave’s SC program work so well, is the fact that you will “give permission” to another person (the SC) to make/force you to be the responsible individual you always knew you could be. And like a coach who pushes their athletes to out-perform their competitors… you are going to out-perform your mlm successes to date, (with your SC’s help), a work a lot smarter than all the other distributors around you who’re failing to achieve the goals they tried to achieve.
You had many “Success Coaches” when you were younger. They were responsible for most of your biggest accomplishments, achievements and advancements in your life. These success coaches were disguised as your parents, your family members, your friends and their parents, your teachers, your ministers, the policeman, your athletic coaches, even celebrities or musicians, etc... etc... These people had a propensity to watch over you... to guide you... to look after your best interests because you were vulnerable and teachable. You invited and valued their input. You sought them out and even begged for their attention. You listened to their advice and many times followed their direction with blind faith. You did not expect failure, you anticipated success. Life was good.
But as you’ve gotten older and moved into your adult business life, success coach’s become harder and harder to come by. Why, because they’re lives are consumed with so many things to do and not enough time to do it. Potential success coach candidates are a bit stress-out, overwhelmed, and pressured to their limits. So much so, that most of the good ones can not be of much assistance to you anymore. You’re an adult now, you’re suppose to be able to figure things out on your own. Potential success coach candidates may already be mentoring their children and other young men and women and haven’t any left over time for you.
Combine this with the fact that you’re not as teachable as you used to be. You don’t follow directions with blind faith like you did when you were younger, you question everything. In fact, you may be confrontational and argumentative these days. The older you get, the farther you get from the cute person you used to be. Heck, you were down-right fun to be with in your youth, but now-a-days you might be lethargic, lazy, and a bit of a negative thinker. It’s just not fun to mentor to adults anymore. The more senior you are, the less attractive you may be to any success coaches that are available. If this sounds a bit like you, hat are you going to do about this condition?
Being older and a bit cynical does not diminish an adult network marketer’s urgent need to secure the talents of a 2 x 2 partner. In order to take effective action in your network marketing business, you need to be accountable to someone other than just yourself. All of us need a success coach in order to stay on track just like we did when we were younger. Look around the industry. Every successful leader either is a self-driven recruiting monster, or they are part of a “team”. This is usually a husband / wife team, but there are many variations of this rule. Sometimes an individual is part of a smaller group of people that have banded together in a support group structure in order to promote the advancement of the team as a whole. Oftentimes these people are all part of one downline lineage.
On rare occasions a network marketing company creates an incredible training and support structure. It’s so powerful that individuals “cocooning” all over the country seem to become part of a very large “whole” that is the company. They would use a variety of communications systems that would act as the conduit for keeping distributors informed and personally involved. These tools might include: voice mail systems, satellite dish technology, fax-on-demand programs, internet website projects, well-designed company magazines, superior sales aids and company distributor kits, etc... These communications tools would be coupled with a strong training program that would: 1- employ a powerful quick-start training program that would...
2- advance each hard working individual into higher and more advanced training over time.
3- under this scenario, only a unique distributor-oriented company leader would be capable of
fulfilling this ring-master position.
The company would in-fact act like a parent, taking the new distributor by the hand, (much like you would a child), and lead them all the way from ground-zero up until they master the industry via MLM leadership training . The company (or downline group, or 2x2 team) would advance, promote and build each budding entrepreneur until they graduated as a network marketing career professional some years later.
So lets get back to the question: What is a “Success Coach” and why would this person be so vital to your network marketing success?
Maybe it was one of your parents... maybe it was a teacher... it could have been a minister... perhaps one of your best friends... sometimes an athletic coach... maybe it was an author or seminar speaker... but when you look back at your life, there was always someone there to guide you in the decisions that have made you who you are today. My pastor said it best:... “you are what you have been becoming”.
Isn’t it true that there have been people in your life that have been influential and perhaps even responsible for some of the most important decisions that were made in your life? Some of them helped you make good decisions, while other individuals may have lured you into making some less productive choices. The school of hard knocks and experience has clearly established that when you seek advice from someone regarding some issue, (lets call this person your success coach), you had better seek the advice from an individual who is very wise in the area you need assistance. In retrospect this all makes sense, doesn’t it? Don’t you wish you had had better mentoring along your path in life? (see Dave’s article on the power of asking questions for more guidance in this area) Most people would agree that they would have asked a lot more people a lot more questions before they made commitments... commitments that altered your life forever. What commitments have lead you to the place you are in right now in your networking business? And more importantly, what can you do about it in order to get where you really want to go? The answer is simple... find a partner who’ll work shoulder to shoulder with you in your business.
Lets look at an example: My mother, much like my high school swimming coach, made me do things I never wanted to do on my own. For example, I didn’t want to brush my teeth, go to bed on time, clean up my room, take out the garbage, study my school work, or play the piano. I wanted to play baseball, eat candy, stay up late, kiss girls and have fun with my neighborhood friends. But when I look back, I’m very glad she pushed me day after day, week after week, year after year... to do things like practice -practice -practice the piano. At times we had heated debates... there were moments when I did not think of her as the wonderful success coach that she was. Often times I did not appreciate her tenacity. She had taken on the monumental responsibility of trying to make a cultured man out of a little monster. Today when I play the piano at the many hotels I frequent each month, it brings joy to the people who hear me play and it also brings joy to me deep inside. She acted as one of my many success coaches in my life. She made me responsible for my actions. She made me accountable for what I did.
- Who holds you accountable for creating your 100 to 200 name prospecting list? Chances are your
list was never that large, and I’ll bet you do not “work your list” and call new prospects every
week the way you should... Do you even have a prospect list to work from?
- who forces you to make 3-way calls or participate in conference calls ?
- who is driving you to learn simple closing phraseology or answers to the most commonly heard
objections thrown at you when you talk about your business opportunity with your prospects?
- who is role-playing with you in an effort to master your sales presentation?
- who are the people in your life right now who are making you take effective actions that will help you build your network business? What person is really holding you accountable for doing what you know you need to do in order to become successful in he business? Are you really a responsible career professional multi-level marketer, a role-model for people to follow and pattern after? Or are you a warning sign for others to avoid the path you have chosen in your networking trade?
Don’t think for a moment that your “sponsor” and upline are suppose to make you successful in the MLM business. It would be great if they were... but that would be like saying your mom and dad, or your brothers and sisters, or you family and friends are responsible for your ultimate success in the business. This just isn’t so. It would be great if they were helpful. It would be fantastic if you had a great upline. But the chances are, you have normal average human beings as your sponsor and upline. They may be just as in need of help as you are. Your sponsor did his/her job when they exposed you to this fantastic industry. If you’re blessed with a strong leader that can help you build your business, you are lucky and blessed. But you may have to really work at finding, cultivating and securing the talents of a success coach... a person who is committed to assisting you in becoming a professional network marketer. It will most likely be a person you sponsor to become this person. Whatever you do, find this person and build a two-way bridge between the two (or more) of you. Your new “buddy- person” may need just as much help as you do. But it will be your job to make sure they are ACCOUNTABLE to doing the things they set out to do in order to reach their dreams... and they will reciprocate and hold you ACCOUNTABLE for staying on track in developing your potential as well. This is one of the most important keys to becoming a success at the networking business.
If you wanted to ride your bicycle more often, lift weights 3 x’s a week or do aerobics everyday after work... it only makes sense to find someone else who wants to do the same thing you do and do it together. If you find a work-out partner, the chances of you performing the work-out task increased 500%. Additionally, you’ll discover that you’ll work out harder if you work-out with someone else, verses working out all by yourself? This just makes good sense doesn’t it? Then why not apply the same analogy to your network marketing business. It only makes sense that if you find a person who wants to succeed at the business as bad as you do, the two (or more) of you will perform better working the business together. This is called SYNERGY! And Synergy flat out works. The two (or more) of you will go farther faster than if you tried to do it alone.
Whether it was your brother or sister... whether it was your neighbor or classmate... God has planted many persons throughout our lives who’s “divine appointments” are bent on helping us develop our potential. They are suppose to assist us in reaching our dreams. But we have to apply ourselves and ask for their help. Usually, they need our help as bad as we need theirs. This is what a win/win situation is all about. How do we know if someone is our success coach? What do we look for?
Well, these clandestine messengers take many forms. Sometimes they are people who are very close to us... but often, they are people who we hardly know or only recently met. Don’t be shocked, but more often than not, some of the very people who are closest to us are the very persons we need to avoid asking to help us make some of the most important decisions in our life. Do you find this odd? Why would you ask a person who’s making average money their opinion on what you should do to make a lot of money? Under the guise of friendship, love and protection, many spouses and friends will try to stifle a person (like you, their friend) from taking chances and making changes in their life. People do not like change... and change is the only way things get better. Is this a potential conflict, or what?
Therefore. every effort must be made on your part to identify the expert, authority, or promising potential leader like yourself... and once identified, you must make every effort to secure a mutually beneficial commitment from them to work together for your reciprocal common cause. Do not pre-judge who this person might be. They might be old or young... over-weight or skinny, Protestant or Catholic... whatever you do, just make sure they are willing to commit at the same level you are at developing your businesses together. If you’re working the business f/t, you need a f/t partner... etc... They must be from the same company you’re working with... and it would be great if you were in the same lineage... but if not, work “together” separately.
The goal is for you to identify someone who will be willing to push, prod, and drive you to do the things you are capable of doing. What’s different about your success coach is the fact that you have given them permission to kick you in the butt. Would you be willing to help another individual stay on course if they did the same for you? If you are not ready for this, then you had better be a very disciplined and self-driven person... or be willing to wait a long time for your success. You are going to have to keep yourself motivated in the face of continual set-backs and defeats. A success coach is suppose to be there to pick you up when you fall and get a bloody-nose. The military calls this the “Buddy System”... AA uses the Sponsor/Sponsoree relationship, Jenny Craig or Weight watchers do much the same... it all boils down to the fact that people are human beings. Individuals who are prone to procrastination, hesitation, stalling, laziness, and wining about problems in their lives. A “Success Coach” is just one network marketers insurance policy that he or she will have a butt-kicker looking over their shoulder holding them accountable to take the action required to reach their dreams. For more information contact David Klaybor by emailing DK at: [email protected]
In Summary: You’ve made a solid commitment with someone with the goal of becoming Accountable for operating your Networking business like a business. You’ve decided that “winging-it” or treating your business like a “hobby” is a non-productive use of your time, money and efforts. Due specifically to you’re interdependence and interaction with the new “Success Coach” you’ve chosen, you are taking more effective action than you ever have before. This has enable you to produce more results than you have in a long time. This means you have recruited a few new team members. Write down your goals and give them to your success coach .
... Accountability is the only way you’re going to TAKE ACTION .. and only action will enable you to SUCCEED ... (reducing your stress.. building you confidence.. helping you RETIRE EARLY in LIFE ... becoming DEBT-FREE .. Driving you dream car .. going on FUN Vacations.. Increasing your Longevity.. + + + + ;-)
Prerequisite: For a reader to get the most out of this article, he/she should have already gone through their company’s introductory training or attended Mr. Klaybor’s “Getting Started “ program.. Use this check list to check-off all the items you’ve already accomplished so far.....
1- you’ve ordered your (properly designed and worded) business cards,
2- you’ve opened a business bank account and you’re using some form of book keeping system...
3- you have 3-way calling hooked-up and use this technology with your upline weekly...
4- you regularly consume therapeutic doses of your companies products... and/or,
5- you’ve subscribed to the companies telecommunication systems and use the services weekly...
6- you’ve scheduled your airline reservations to attend the next company convention...
7- you have read your distributor kit front to back and listened to all the company’s audio or video
tapes, therefore you can present the business opportunity to your prospects and know how to
present the products to a retail customer...
8- you’ve filled out your memory-jogger forms and you’re working a 100-200 name prospecting list...
9- you’ve made a decision to commit several years becoming a Career Professional Network Marketer...
10- you’ve acquired new MLM books, tapes and tools to help you build your business...
12- you’re making progress in a few areas, and people are starting to notice your personal results...
14- You’re using some kind of an event management system (i.e. like the PowerLine Planner) to keep track of 3-way calls and the information you mail to prospects. You are logging the names and numbers of all the referrals you receive, the samples you gave away, the conference calls you participate in, the upcoming company events you need to attend, conversations you have with your downline, etc... etc...
If you’ve read this article all the way through, David will reward you an EXCEPTIONAL DEAL on his PowerLine Business Planner…
You need to have his professional world renown “MLM Activities and Events Management System”. See you next month! – your new friend and surrogate sponsor - Dave
- ( if you liked this article, email us for more materials )
Captain Dave Klaybor, ATP... – his goal is to help YOU retire in 3-5 years, earn a free car, free vacation, win bonuses and earn $100k+/yr. F/t – He is Pres. of a 19 year old world-class training and consulting firm who manufactures the finest Business Planning System designed specifically for the NWM industry. He is honored to have been voted at the Top Generic MLM Trainer in 03 on a popular website, his name on the cover of 7 books, he’s been on the cover of many publications, and his tools are sold in the largest NWM catalogs. Dave is a Record-Breaking Veteran Builder, Author/Columnist. To get a free tape on how to make $100k/yr. in NWM…email us:
[email protected] (FRIEND DK online)
… Lets do a 3-way training call with your group this WEEK !
Managing Director at Sonoran Capital Advisors
6 个月Dave, thanks for sharing!