Find Your Smile
You can achieve greater things in this life than you believe possible by doing nothing more than following a simple six step process. Do you believe me? If you're like most you probably don't.
It's easier to believe success comes to those who are better than ourselves, have more ability, resources or connections, than it is to believe in our own ability to make great things happen.
Here's that simple six step process:
- Find what makes you smile
- Discover what keeps you and others from smiling
- Create a purpose around this discovery
- Make this purpose your smile
- Believe in yourself & others
- Don't give up
As simplistic as this process may seem it works if you believe in it and apply it to your life. The greater the purpose the better it works as long as your focus is on making others smile and not just yourself.
The first step, finding what makes you smile, is where the real adventure begins.