Find Your Random Act of Kindness

Find Your Random Act of Kindness

Kindness is something that is a double-sided blessing. It benefits both the receiver and the giver of the kindness. And the benefit is not just material things, nor is it some sort of an idealistic concept of happiness. Actually, research has shown that there are physiological and neurological benefits to showing kindness to another person. In this spirit, if we look at kindness as an investment for ourselves, we can work it into our daily life in simple yet powerful ways.?

Kindness is in its truest form when it is unconditional. We don’t know what others are going through, the challenges they are facing both personally and professionally. In the corporate world, we get so busy racing to reach the top that we often forget to notice the struggles of those around us.

You don't have to go looking for someone to help out. Look around you, your family, your team, your coworkers, see how you are interacting with them and make some subtle changes. Instead of asking "why did this not get done", ask "what help do you need to get this done", instead of saying "we need to get this done today", ask "what do you need in order to get this done today", if you see someone being overwhelmed when you have some time yourself, consider offering to help or just appreciate their work so that they get energized to do the work.

Know that we all are on the same journey taking different paths. Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their background, beliefs, or opinions. This includes your colleagues, customers, clients, and anyone else you interact with. What you say and how you say it is a game changer in any situation.

Be more encouraging instead of being critical, provide constructive feedback in one-to-one sessions instead of criticizing in public. Inspire with thoughtful words and an empathic ear. Let go of your preconceived notions, insecurities and biases. Choose to be transparent, ethical and professional. Be inclusive, being exclusive is equal to groupism or favoritism.

Welcome a new intern or employee with a smile. Ask your manager for their feedback and listen with an open mind. Support your coworkers without judgment. Invite your coworkers, old and new alike, for lunch, include everyone in your conversations, and listen to them with complete attention.

When someone says something that triggers you, just take a breath before you respond and instead of simply rebutting what they said, try and restate what they said and confirm with them if they meant what you understood.

Kindness is not about just helping someone who is in a tight spot, it is also about bringing humility and empathy to our regular interactions with others, especially those who are in our part of the organizational hierarchy and the people who live with us. Do this wherever you can do so without feeling undue pressure for yourself.?

In any situation, take a moment to understand your customers, partners, vendors, coworkers and family. Where are they coming from? What do they need? Find opportunities where you can help someone with no downside for yourself and take those. Make an investment in your own well-being. Find a random act of kindness to add to your day.

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