Find Your Purpose, then set Goals using Vision – Part 2 of 3
Candace Mae
Corporate & Individual Trainer: Increase Profits | Reduce Expenses | Women In Leadership | Higher Retention | Empowered Employees | Conflict Resolution | Capacity for Growth | Better Results | Int'l Best Selling Author
In January – Part 1 - I shared the foundation of shifting our thoughts from merely setting isolated goals– to focusing on a more profound process of identifying our Purpose and Vision, first using universal laws of cause-and-effect to create our vision.?
What a massive shift in awareness. What an excellent way to begin this goal-setting and achieving process: starting with believing that I am already a creator. I have nothing to learn. Instead, I only need to become fully aware of this power to create that I already possess.?
See, goal setting and goal achieving are essential skills to learn. As all things do, they require a learning model, just as learning to ride a bicycle.?
See, in the learning to ride a bicycle model, there is a lot of falling or failure. Failure because you were born with the potential to ride the bike, but you had to learn the skill to be successful. The difference was when you were learning to ride a bike; you had not yet fully developed your ego judgment center; this is the part of your self-image that seems to track and keep a record of every failure you have made.?
When you were young, you could suspend the self-judgment and stay connected to your desire, but as you grew older, your awareness, perception, and self-image changed.??
Pay attention to the linguistics of a child, and you will hear and see it. For example, when my grandson falls off his bike, he says, "This stupid bike it won't….."? Now, compare that to an adult learner: when we don't grasp something quickly, we often say, "I'm so stupid."?
So, there are two thoughts here. First, shift from looking at goal setting and achieving as something you cannot do or are a failure at doing, and begin to see that goal setting and achieving are part of a natural process of creation and creating, of manifestation and manifesting. You were born, preprogrammed, as a perfect creator.?
Second is, when you make this shift in your perception, you can begin to detach from the outcome, separating your self-value from your result: you are not the result. Let God handle the results – you focus on the process – identifying your purpose, creating your [God-given] vision, and setting the goals and milestone steps along the journey used to measure your progress.?
Not only will you feel 1000% more confident, 1000-times happier, 1000-times freer, but you will also create and manifest 1000-times faster.?
We define our Purpose, Vision, and goals – in this order - so that we can consciously direct and measure this creative process. Therefore, your Purpose, Vision, and Goals are the road maps that this creative power will follow.?
Understanding, Awareness, and Self-evaluation are the tools you will use to strengthen your ability to live from Purpose, Vision, and Goals.??
So, for now, let's start with purpose. Your purpose is the filter through which you will direct this creative power. It is why you do what you do: so you can create what you feel is your [God-given] highest calling or highest good.?
Many people will get hung up on this. It's not uncommon to feel that you don't know your life's purpose. Remember, this is a skill to be developed – or revealed, like riding the bike. When you first learned to ride the bike, you got on it and guessed how it would work. You knew you weren't going to ride it right the first time, but you could always ask for help and keep learning from the last attempt/fall.??
So, if you don't know what your life's purpose is right now, that's okay, guess – or reach out, and I'll help you discover it.??
Remember, your purpose will be the filter through which you will make most of your life decisions. My relationship with Christ gives my life purpose – and yet there are different phases in my life where my focus on how to achieve this was different – yet my ultimate purpose remained the same.? Before my relationship with Christ, my purpose seemed to shift with the seasons of life. When I was much younger, my purpose was my core education; in my thirties, my purpose was focused heavily on my career; in my forties, I focused more on the needs of my growing children.??
Now, as an empty nester, my purpose is much more significant as I focus on making an enormous impact in the world: developing leadership that CARES, with more substantial teams and individuals who understand they matter and make a difference. I guide individuals and organizations to the full awareness of their purpose through developing their leadership qualities: Communication, Attitude, Relationships, Equipping staff, and Sales while embracing a higher level of thinking and understanding in harmony with the Law of Compensation.?
To stay focused on my vision, I ensure my goals and activities align with my purpose.? Many business opportunities present that are not in harmony with my purpose. They may be great opportunities, but I take a pass if they do not connect with my purpose. There are many times I receive an invitation to an event or a party; some of them would be entertaining events, but if I have an opportunity to teach or lead an online seminar, I will choose to do that. I love growth and leading others through their development; that's a vital part of my purpose.?
Our purpose is like the sun; everything revolves around it.? Part 3, next month, will cover Vision and Goals.?
If you want help working through your Purpose, Vision, and goals and experiencing the process of self-exploration, I'm here to help. Connect with me on a free, 15-minute, exploratory strategy session at:
Candace Mae Gruber is the Founder and CEO of Candace Mae Training and Services – a Leadership & Strategic Business Consultant, Executive Coach, Best Selling Author, International Speaker, and Trainer. Candace Mae is the mother of three grown children and lives in Valley Center, CA, near her oldest daughter and three beautiful grandchildren.