Find Your Niche
Michael Semegen
Construction Project Manager | Interior Designer | Passionate Traveler
Looking for a niche but not sure how to find one?! What are your passions? Do you have any skills? What makes sense financially? I’ll break down each of these 4 questions and I promise you’ll have a better idea of what it is you should pursue.
What do you Love? What are you passionate about? Is there a specific hobby you enjoy? Do you love travelling? A specific tv show? What do you love to do? Think about what it is you’d like to do if someone was willing to give you everything you ever wanted. What’s the one thing your friends tell you you’re great at or enjoy? Be sure to choose something you really love, not just something you think is a good idea. Otherwise, chances are you’ll lose interest in it real quick and you’ll end up back at square one all over again. Has it come to your mind yet? Good. Do that!
What are your Skills? What set of skills do you have? What are you good at? Are you good at playing the guitar and love teaching? Create an account based on teaching people to play the guitar. Maybe you dont have any skills that you can connect to a passion of yours. Are you willing to learn? Maybe learn a new skillset? Is there something you’ve always dreamed of learning? Scratch that itch. The goal is to choose a topic that coincides with the skills you’ve acquired.
Does it make sense Financially? Can you afford to pursue your passion or interest? Is it financially viable in this current moment? Or do you need to save up a bit more money before you pursue that dream? Maybe you can start pursuing it as a side hustle. Start part-time and progress to full-time down the road. Rememeber, it has to make financial sense otherwise you’ll put your future and/or your dependants at risk. We all want to live our dreams, but be financially smart about it. There’s no sense in putting it all on black and it having a chance of landing on red.
How can you Connect your Skills with what your Love? Can you connect your skillset to your passion? Are you a great teacher but love football? Maybe you can try becoming a trainer or a coach. Make a list of your skills and see if any coincide with any loaf your passions.
Choosing a niche doesn’t mean you wont work outside of that area. It just provides a focus area for you and your business. So remember, choose something you love. Think of the skills you currently have or are willing to learn. Ensure it makes financial sense. And finally, think of ways you can connect your skills with your passions and you’ll be on your way to happiness.