Find your future in the mirror
Eduard Smit
Digital Marketing Strategist, Web Designer, Graphic Designer and Multimedia Designer
Your day starts in the early hours, you hardly closed our eyes and bam you’re up again bloodshot eyes and tired limbs. You drag yourself out of the bed to face the training monster of the morning, yes at this stage you have to train to stay energized. You are done you get the family ready, get everyone fed and ready and rush through to your job.
You handle projects efficiently and effectively, as the day dawns you put in your extra time, and dash home. Ready set action; set two starts, you do the cooking, wash the dishes and aid and advise any problems before you start.
Sounds insane not quite I know quite a couple of people who do this on the regular and more. Is there a secret no! I have something which I am sure forms part of some neuro linguistic programming schedule or something I heard it somewhere and I have utilized what I remembered and it has really helped me along the way.
No amount of quotes or happy thoughts or anything else is going to push you through this, yet some call me insane others just shy away when they hear my story. I think I can do more, yes I have down days but what keeps driving me is knowing. You have to know believe and walk the path of the person you believe yourself to be the day you achieve your dreams.
Always make sure that you are the one that does what it takes to be that person who gets what he works for. By all means, work smarter, but work. When the doubt really sets in and you begin struggling. Here is what I do.
I go and look in the mirror and I use my thoughts to where I am going with what I am doing where will I be in 5 years what should I be doing today to make a change in my life in five years how will this affect my day to day, my relationships my family what will have to change.
When I do the reverse I look at what should I avoid what little habits and nuances of actions I should avoid which will hinder my future and my outlook on the next day. I remove this all the way. If I’ve done this the more I do it the clearer I see my path ahead of me! I can plan my next move I can learn or unlearn certain traits and habits.
It’s not magic, I don’t even think it's psychology. It's thinking through where the one set of activities will take you and where the other set will take you. Not taking chances on your output or your goals but rather moving on and getting it done.
Your life is an amazingly important thing. Plan ahead look at where you are going and get there!