Find Your Battle Cry
Photo by Carolina Renaissance Festival

Find Your Battle Cry

Let’s talk about your battle cry. I’ve been ingrained in battle cries for the last 20 years in the military. We learned early on that a battle cry, somewhere between three to seven words, is what you say as a unit every time you're called to attention. Before going to Iraq, our battle cry was "Too easy." No matter the challenge, we always responded with "Too easy," controlling the situation instead of letting it control us.

Now, in my adult life, my battle cry is "Do the fucking thing." I often get stuck in the OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) after making a decision. The novelty wears off, and I have to remind myself to take action. Over time, this became my battle cry, pushing me to execute and get things done.

My mom has her battle cries too. She says, "Control what’s in my hula hoop," setting boundaries and focusing on what she can control. Another one is "Gotta go," removing herself from negative or emotionally charged situations. These simple phrases help her regain control and stay true to her values.

Read more here .


