Find the right recruiter for you.

Find the right recruiter for you.

Find the right recruiter for you.

Don’t be fooled into going with a recruitment company that has been around for decades and feel safe. Yes, I’m being serious.

You will be dealing with a person, not a company. Recruiters, unfortunately, are a dime a dozen and come and go like the weather. So you need to find the right recruiter for you.

The two most important things in people’ s lives are their families / loved ones and their job/career.

DO NOT be flippant about your career and leave it in the hands of just anyone. Find the right recruiter for you.

 Vital information to obtain:

Establish how long they’ve been a recruiter for. (if you’re on a senior level find someone who’s been in recruitment for more than 5 years – this needs to be their passion, not just a job to get by or pay the bills (If a recruiter is mediocre or average they won’t last 5 years)

Recruiters should specialize in certain sectors (ideally your field of specialization or they’ll do the research if they’re marketing you)

Ask for references (yes, it’s your right)

See how visible they are on social media sites – you can gauge a lot about them (ask them where they’re subscribed to) This will assist you to find the right recruiter for you.

Let them be able to map out how they work (we’re all different and have various ways of doing things)

Know what they expect from you in the recruiting process and that you’re able to deliver.

Be open about what will make you walk away (from the position or from them) as well as know when your recruiter will walk away (from the position that they’ve put you forward for, or from you)

 Lastly, it is vital to build a rapport with the recruiter. You might only talk over the phone, but that “I can work with this person” kind of feeling needs to prevail. Best scenario” a long-term relationship going forward. Think of it like this: Your Dr, Dentist, Accountant etc knows you right? You might not speak to them often but when you need them, you pick up right where you left off. You have history and know each other. Having a relationship like that with a recruiter is ideal.

If you have applied for a position the above factors might not rate so highly in the “bigger scheme of things” but if you want to build a lasting relationship and be able to access the same recruiter for years to come, do your homework. It will be worth it. If you want to be “taken to market” or be in their talent pool it is vital you get this one right.

So how do you find the right recruiter for you, you ask? Well here are some ideas:



Recruitment companies that specialize in your field. Call them up and ask for a seasoned recruiter and ask the questions.

Social media – it’s playing a larger role today, and finding recruiters that focus in your field are more accessible today than ever before e.g. Twitter | LinkedIn | blogs | facebook etc

Remember do this right and finding a new job can be a positive and rewarding experience instead of a stressful, uncertain and often unnerving and uncertain experience.

There are recruiters out there that take an interest in people and are good at what they do. They have made life long friends from clients and candidates alike over the years. They work with those candidates every now and then, albeit inside information required, or candidate advice on a promotion/relocation or change in career direction. Your recruiter will even place you again, every couple of years when you’re on the market again.

Now go find your recruiter! They’re out there – even though you might have to search.


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