Find the Right Outdoor Catering Company in Easy Steps
Any important outdoor party--be it a marriage or business lunch is an occasion to socialize and enjoy without worrying about the quality of food or beverages. To have that satisfaction you need to engage a professional outdoor catering service who will never make you regret.
To find the right provider of outdoor catering some helpful tips are here.
Taste Tests: Taste the food and drinks offered by the outdoor catering provider before finalizing the outdoor food preparation company. Ask for taste tests of those dishes you want to keep on the menu. This adds a personal touch to the outdoor catering service you hire and be safe than being sorry.
Evaluate Food Quality: Besides taste test ensure cleanliness and hygiene in the way food and drinks are served. That is necessary to avoid negative feedback and to ensure that the food is clean.
Customize Menu: The party is yours, so you have every right to serve a variety of cuisines that anybody would love. So it would be better if you can customize the menu list. Hand down the list of dishes you want to serve your guests. A good outdoor catering company will try their best to deliver the dish you have requested.
See the portfolio: When you hire the open-air cuisine service, assess the level of experience and commitment. Look for their past event portfolios, customer satisfaction feedbacks and complaints, if any, from previous clients. These details can judge whether the company can provide your needs.
Charges: Once you are satisfied with the factors consider your budget. The cost of outdoor catering is decided on the basis of total number of people attending the event and enjoying the cuisine served. Discuss your budget with them and make the arrangements. Insist on discounts, bargains and other favours.
These simple steps can find you the right outdoor catering provider and save from an astronomical bill later.
Deriving the Gross Charges: Usually Outdoor Catering companies give a quotation on the basis of the menu they plan. They give a gross charge on the basis of total invitees on a per head basis. Different catering service providers have different yardsticks in final rates. For example, a wedding party will have different rates. A catering company offering services for an indoor party might charge more while catering the same in an outdoor nuptial ceremony. Some catering companies ask for higher charges for a theme wedding and its food and drink services. So, getting a detailed breakup of the prices they have quoted will be very good.
Manpower: Guest ratio: It is a bad sight to see your guests waiting for hours after they order for some snacks or a second scoop of ice cream. If the outdoor catering company is understaffed, it can happen. So make sure there is the ideal ratio that is usually one catering staff per nine to ten guests. Also ask the company about the number of staff they provide for a specific number of guests attending the wedding or any other event.