To Find Purpose, First Find Yourself
Rennu Dhillon
Serial Entrepreneur, Community Activist, Author, Motivational Speaker , Blogger
To Find Purpose In Life, First Find Yourself
I personally believe we are all here for a purpose and when you find your purpose then you will not just simply exist, but actually have a definite reason for living a productive life. Finding your purpose will inspire you to live your passion and talents, each one different and unique to each person.
How does one know that you are living your purpose? Well for a start, it will feel good when you do things that matter not just to others, but yourself.
I absolutely love this quote, “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” Fyodor Dostoyevsky
One of the key elements to leading a fulfilled life is to find your passion, and pursue the important goals of life that give you that authentic happiness. Many people simply spend their lives just trying to figure out their purpose, not knowing how to pinpoint and implement them or they end up trying to live the purpose of others.
In my simple journey of finding purpose, I have found certain things that have helped me redefine myself, and I continue to do this every day. Purpose can change or alter as we continue on this journey of life, and my journey changes every day with new life experiences, both positive and negative.
I would love to share my 5 tips of how I found and continue to find purpose.
1. Define Your Purpose – first and foremost you need to be very clear in your mind about your purpose. Who do you want to be? Once you define that then you can have a plan to explore the path to this purpose and figure out what possible obstacles you may encounter.
Trying to live like someone else is not a defining purpose. So get out of your little “cliché” groups and begin to create your own authentic you. Clean that closet of people who will obstruct you from being you, the real you that you want to be and not what others want you to be.
2. Purpose is About Intention – Once you know your purpose, you will find your intention. Your goals could be as simple as staying healthy. Once you define this as your purpose, then you can design a menu that will help you attain this purpose. If your purpose is to make a difference in the lives of others, define who the others will be and then begin to design your pathway to these goals. Remember, we grow up with our purpose influenced by our parents of course.
However, once you are an adult, it is imperative to not allow society and your social circle to influence your purpose especially when they do not understand or support it. You must find your own purpose even though it may not align with the views of others.
3. Live Life with Morals and Values – and these morals and values have to belong to you and not be influenced by society and your social circles. To live your purpose, you must explore what is important within you and then focus on that area. This is not easy to do but if you think about the legacy you want to leave behind and be remembered for, the journey becomes a whole lot easier. Many times this reckoning happens later in life when you can reflect on your past life experiences. I think my magical moment of redefinition was when I entered the magical age of 50. It suddenly dawned on me that I was being dragged down in a social circle that I did not conform to. I did a major clean up of the closet removing all the negative people in my life, and life suddenly took on another meaning. Yes, it meant your social calendar being reduced to practically nothing, but it was worth the peace of mind that I got from staying away from humans who simply thrived on gossiping and worrying about competing with one another. Try it, it is beyond refreshing!
4. Become Your Own Critic and Strength – once you clean up the social influences in your life, you will suddenly find your weaknesses and your strengths. Although it takes time to get out of the rut of the previous life you have lived, you will realize your weaknesses and accept them to become your strengths. You will begin to accept who you are and be your own critic. You will then begin to work on yourself and be a better version of you and compete with just yourself being better. Comparisons will not exist but finding great mentors and influencers in your life will become your goal.
5. Build a Circle of Positivity – now that you have found yourself and your purpose, begin to build a new circle of life influences that will help you achieve this purpose. You will still continue to meet the negative ones, but now that you are strong within yourself and have found purpose, you will be able to rid of the negative influences a lot easier that you did before. Instead of living in awe of the “fake social media influences” and adding friends that you think will be of influence to you, try talking to real people around you and develop real connections. Real conversations, although more difficult than chatting online, will open your eyes to the world and to things you never knew existed. I make it a point to connect with new people wherever I go. Every event, every opportunity, leaves the room with a new connection.
Remember to live a life of fulfillment and purpose, you must first discover the real you within yourself. Once you know who you are, you will know what you want and how to get there.
Finding your purpose does not happen overnight but is a lifelong journey, one step at a time. Once you find purpose, your inner passion will take you there.
Now what are you waiting for? Take that first step!
From the Desk of RD